Funny Egg Coloring Pages

Not exactly relate salted egg with heart disease and high blood pressure, except if we eat it constantly and in large quantities. Because they contain almost all nutrients and minerals complete, well salted eggs consumed by infants to senior citizens.

easter coloring pages 7
Eggs are the result of cattle that have a big hand in dealing with nutritional problems that occur in society.

This is possible because the egg will be full of nutrients necessary for healthy living. Nutrients in eggs are very easily digested and utilized by the body.
easter coloring pages 2
That is why eggs are recommended for consumption by children who are growing in the developing, pregnant and lactating mothers, people who are sick or in the healing process, and the elderly (senior citizens). In other words, eggs suitable for all ages.
easter coloring pages 1
Eggs are consumed by the people of Indonesia generally comes from farmed poultry. The kind that is most widely consumed chicken eggs, duck (duck), and quail. Turtle eggs, turkeys, geese, pigeons, and other domesticated fowl eggs not optimally utilized due to the production a bit.

The weight and size of duck eggs are larger than chicken eggs. Color light blue eggs are a little duck, especially in Java, such as those found in Karawang, Tegal, Magelang, and Mojosari. Balinese duck skin color, a white albino, and duck Manila (entog) white somewhat reddish.

Because of the sharp putrid smell, the use of duck eggs in a wide variety of food not chicken eggs. In addition to the more fishy smell, duck eggs also have skin pores are larger, so it's nice to be processed into salted eggs.

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Thanksgiving Coloring Pages

Thanksgiving Day is near. Teacher from 1 grade elementary classroom provides an exciting task to draw Thanksgiving Coloring Pages. Most of the children in the class were not from the rich area, but they all celebrate the holiday with turkey and objects from Thanksgiving tradition. These objects which according to the teacher's mind would be subject to drawing students. And sure enough, most of them draw those objects.

But Douglas made a different picture he did not draw thanksgiving coloring pages. Douglas is a good kid. He is the favorite pupil of the teacher. While other children played at recess, Douglas would rather be near the teacher. One can only suspect that Douglas had a profound sadness.

Yes, the picture is not about thanksgiving coloring pages but totally different. When asked to draw something that made him glad, Douglas draws a shadow. Nothing else. Just an empty.

The abstract picture is a concern of his friends. Hand is that? One child guessed, it was the hand of a farmer, because farmers who breed turkeys. The others guess the hand of a policeman, because the police protect and care to the community. There is also a guess the hand of God, because God who created Thanksgiving Coloring Pages. The debate was continued until the teacher almost forgot the painter who drew it.

When other kids were gone, the teacher stopped at Douglas' desk, bent down and asked him, "Stair is that?” The little boy looked up to the teacher's face and replied, "That is the hand, teacher.". The teacher recalled times when he held his hand and walked with Douglas. How often he said, "Take my hand Douglas, we walked out." Or, "Look at the teacher yes." Or, "Let's do it together." Douglas is very grateful for his mother a teacher. Wiping tears from her eyes, she hugged teacher Douglas, "Thank you".

Be thankful because there are people around you, who hold your hand when you left. Those who say, 'Let's do it together ". Who always said, "Do not up the past again, you're forgiven." Grateful that among those who leave, there are still those who always support you.

And this is thanksgiving day, so its better to draw thanksgiving coloring pages as your work.

I am the goddamn Batman

Another reader submission, from Zombiefart (?!), at Inkside Tattoos in El Paso TX.

I'm crazy for it!

Ryan sent in the above Batman tattoos, done by Tilo in Clannad Tattoo Studios in Heidenheim Germany.

Flowers Collection Coloring Pages

Before you see the collection of flowers coloring pages we have, for a moment let us know about flowers and their parts. It is important to know, because by knowing the part of flower, we can make our coloring works better. Here it is:

flower coloring pages

Flowers are modified stems and leaves. This modification caused by the production of enzymes stimulated by a number of specific fitohormon. Formation of tight flowers are genetically controlled and in many types of environmental changes induced by some, such as low temperature, long exposure, and the availability of water (see article Formation of flowers).

rose coloring pages

Flower is the perfect flower if you have the means of male (stamens) and female tool (stigmas) together in a single organ. Flowers are so-called transvestite or hermaphrodite flowers. An interest rate is said complete if it has all the main parts of flowers. Four main sections of interest (from the outside in) are as follows:

  1. Flower petals or calyx;

  2. The crown of flowers or a corolla is usually thin and can be colored to attract insects that help the process of pollination;

  3. Male genitals or androecium (from the Greek Andros oikia: man's house) in the form of the stamens;

  4. The female genitals or the gynoecium (from Greek gynaikos oikia: "woman's house") of the pistil.

flower coloring sheet

After you read this article, I hope you know more about flower and its part. So, its time to download flowers coloring pages in our blog. Please enjoy it!

flower coloring picture

What acclimated to be a mark of apostasy and affray is now advised a appearance accessory. While best tattoos are still activated to men (and bought by men), girls and women are additionally accepting into the act. There are alike beautiful babe tattoos.

Where men like to accept their tattoos on the high arm, or chest, or shoulder, best girls are acquainted that what they’re accomplishing has to assignment with the somewhat added absolute fashions. Thus, a babe needs to anticipate about whether or not a boom will attending acceptable with a bikini, or a brawl dress, or an black gown. Likewise, girls tend to be a bit added accurate about authoritative abiding that a boom is concealable with able or accidental attire.

So, aback attractive for a beautiful babe tattoo, the aboriginal affair to anticipate of is "where to put it" – on the back, amid the accept blades is a accepted place, as is a amphitheater about the high arm, or a amphitheater about a wrist or ankle. Another accepted abode is at the baby of the back, appropriate over the bulge of the buttocks, because it can be hidden with a bashful bathe clothing – or apparent off with a low cut one.

Places to abstain accepting a boom are on the face, or on the breast, or in amid your breasts – the face is a adequately accessible abode to abstain a tattoo, aloof because of the affliction and adversity concealing it. The high chest is a bit beneath acutely a "bad place", however, it runs the accident of abasement the boom because that bark accouterment and stretches over time, and it makes it awkward to abrasion annihilation low cut.

Free Bob The Builder Coloring Pages


Before you download these Bob the Builder Coloring Pages, firstly.. I will tell you how great is drawing activity for our kids brain. Here are the reason:

Teach children to draw objects as they can increase the intelligence of children, says psychologist from the University of Medan Area, Irna Minauli, MPsi. "Teaching children to draw something that appeals to them is very good for the intellectual development of children," she said.

According to her, when kids draw something will happen think processes that they wish to object image, so that the child's imagination began to emerge. Draw or paint can improve a child's imagination, so that children can freely express any appropriate power and memory capacity.

Irna said, the kids have the imagination of the most extraordinary and fishing activities could draw memory and their knowledge constantly. In addition, the drawing is also able to increase the sensitivity of children to the social environment. Even with the draw they can understand the concept of spatial (partial).


In teaching drawing, parents are expected to not dictate what to make children because it can inhibit their creativity, including color-related selection. "Parents should let kids paint whatever objects they imagine, even though initially the same object totally not structured," she said.

Different perspectives between child and parents should be well understood, because something just no question could be a question for a child, she added. Teachers painted in North Sumatra Cultural Park, Retno, admitted the children tend to draw objects by adults sometimes weird, so it needs a special approach to direct the child to be able to draw well.


Now you have one step learning on teaching our kids about coloring and drawing. So its time to download all these Bob the Builder Coloring Pages and than teach our kids to draw their own imagination.

Dolphins are particularly meaningful for travelers as they bring good luck on a trip, so it’s appropriate that dolphin tattoos accompany so many people on their journey through life. Dolphins are also thought of as symbols for kindness, energy, prosperity, and the abundance of the Earth. But dolphins have other meanings that help reveal why they are such popular choices for tattoos.

In dreams, dolphins often appear as guides to worlds unknown. They keep the dreamer from sinking too deeply into the sea of waking life. They always protect the dreamer from dangers and allow the dreamer to feel connected to the world of nature and spirit. Their main function as a dream guide is to guide the dreamer into water that would normally be too deep to travel in.

As a totem animal, the dolphin is a reminder that play is a crucial part of the balance of life. Dolphins can represent change, wisdom, balance, harmony, freedom, trust, and understanding

Traditionally dragons in the western world have been viewed quite differently than those in the East. European legends are full of stories about dragons which wreak havoc on human kind. They attack unmercifully, carry off women and children, and have the ability to fly as well as breathe fire. Western dragons were meant to be slain, and one of the most famous dragon stories out of Europe is that of St. George slaying a dragon and saving the citizens from the vile creature.

Western dragons are more reptilian in appearance. They are covered in scales, have a snouted face and a mouth full of razor sharp teeth. They are usually depicted with wings as well. Although they were considered evil in most of the stories and legends about them, they hold a certain mystique that has attracted people for ages. In fantasy art and dragon tattoos, they are now seen as beautiful, if deadly, creatures. Western dragon tattoos usually depict the dragon in flight with its great wings outstretched in an impressive span. Images of the dragons breathing fire or with smoke coming from their nostrils are also common.

Western dragon tattoos can also be very intricate, but they are usually not as detailed as the Eastern dragon tattoos. Also, while tattoos of Eastern dragons are usually large, Western dragon tats can be almost any size. They are worn by people who just think the dragon is a cool design or by those who have a special fascination or love for the creatures.

Some people even believe dragons are real and are either extinct or living in hiding, their numbers severely dwindled by all the dragon-slaying knights of the middle ages. These people are more likely to get very detailed and beautiful dragon tattoos

Princess Snow White Coloring Pages

snow white coloring page

Do you know the story behind this princess coloring pages? Or maybe you wanna hear the most telling story about this snow white? I wanna share it to you:

Princess Snow White is a princess who is very beautiful. So beautiful, so she became the pride of the people of the land of white clouds. His Majesty the king and queen very much hope, one day the princess will get a handsome prince and princess equivalent.Princess Snow White had never thought to marry. She is very happy living at home with parents and the people who loved her.

One day, there was a prince the King of the breeze land. Prince was very handsome and intelligent, after seeing Princess Snow White; he intends to marry her. The king and queen agreed immediately. Princess Snow White sadly accepts because she did not want to fight the parents.

”Well, if Princess Snow White was willing. This month we get married." Said the Prince with cheerful hearts. Princess of snow was very surprised to hear that the wedding plans so quickly.
”I do not want to get married this month," said Princess Snow White. “
”Why, the sooner the better. I still have to do many things for the country and my people" the prince said with a huff.
"It's still winter, lots of frozen trees, flowers blooming yet, just wait for next month, and flower buds have not started blooming. I want in my wedding decorated with fragrant flowers, chirping birds, all become more beautiful.” clear Princess Snow White,
”No way!! My job is stacking. I persist this month!” Prince said firmly.

Prince immediately returned to the land of wind, Princess Snow White is very sad and cry. Her father entertaining, he promised to pick flowers in the garden palace and will bring the entire collection of birds at the palace.

A week later the wedding day arrived. Prince was ready to dress. Accompanied by the palace guards and the proud lords. They brought many gifts to prospective brides. Jewelry, clothing, silk, shoes, all very beautiful and expensive.

But for Princess Snow White, it was a dark day. There were no fragrant flowers, chirping birds, and leaves. The air was so cold body.

”Are you really loving me?” whispered Princess Snow White in the middle of a party crowd.
“Sure, but do not expect you spoiled, if later arrived at the palace, people want a wise queen. Not spoiled and whiny.” Said the Prince.

Princess Snow was surprised to hear the answer. Prince was so cold, Princess Snow White is very sad. During the wedding ceremony held disappointment Princess Snow.

“Now we're married, get packing. We must get to the land of wind, a lot of my task to finish.” said the prince,
Princess Snow White looked at him, and she hoped the prince could understand her.
“Flowers are very beautiful; can I take or put in our carriage?” Princess Snow White pleaded.
“Flowers will only pollute the train. We're leaving now.” prince replied.

Before she left her parents and her court, she walked into the rooms’ palace that will soon leave. Many childhood memories came to her eyes. Sad tears drip.

When she mounted the prince carriage, amazing event happened. The ladies ran out of the palace and went to Princess Snow.
“Lady doesn’t go!” said a lady. “See many fleecy clouds fall from the sky like a butterfly.”

Everything looks beautiful and amazing. Prince and his bodyguard were stunned amazed to see what happened.

Not sure what causes these white lumps. However, many suspects, the mass are the symbol of Princess Snow sadness. Start from that day all the people call the white clouds of the sky with a snow.

princess coloring pages

The above story is about snow white, and now is the time to download the princess coloring pages and than you must print it on a white paper before you color it.


















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Naruto Manga Coloring Pages

manga coloring pages

"Drawing a manga coloring pages is not a difficult lesson as Mathematics or Physics, Drawing manga is the art which can be studied with easy, if you know the way! OK we start now"

  1. The first step began looking for a comic book reference to be drawn, for example: draw existing images easier than to create their image.

  2. Before we start drawing pictures prepared of equipment such blank paper, pencils and erasers. Well .. when everything is ready lets begin.

  3. Draw the face of your favorite comic book characters does it slowly. I recommend that draw easy comic pictures like Doraemon or Sincan.

  4. Draw slowly ... and do not have to worry if the picture is not similar to the comic, we just star learning to draw now.

  5. Try drawing faces in each comic until finish. Draw a comic character's face repeatedly so that similar to the comic.

  6. Then drawing a comic character without having to look at a comic book. The resulting image may not resemble the original, but most of you already know the special features on the comic image.

  7. Draw the face of these figures in different positions, such as a picture from the side or front. Do this over and over again, and then drawing a comic character without having to look at a comic book.

  8. For the record, do not always move to draw another comic character, because it will ruin your concentration in drawing.

  9. If you are able to draw a face without having to look at a comic book. Next try to change the comic facial expressions, such as facial expression images like angry, sad or happy.

  10. Follow the step by step points are above.

If you want this character be a coloring page, so you do not need to colored it. But, if you want a full character, you must coloring your work carefully.


Looking for the right tattoo design can be an important and vital move for some people, so if you want to be 100% sure you get the design you truly want to be looking in the right place. It’s also a very easy thing to locate a design you really love for free if you know how. If you want you can locate a few free tattoo designs in the following places:

1. Tattoo parlors and Tattoo books. Of course you can find a really nice design in a tattoo parlor for free, however more often then not many of the selections are general designs and so you really have to work your way through to find the design you really want. So you should ask to see if they have a book of their individual work that they specialize in at their shop. Many times the artists themselves will have original, high quality designs they have drawn and are more than willing to tattoo you with them.

2. What about the Internet? It can be a real challenging experience searching for a tattoo design and having to sift through all the typical designs you've already seen. Unfortunately that’s usually what happens when looking through free tattoo designs on the internet. Many if not all of the free sites simply won't include many if any of the unique or popular designs, however you could come across that one in a million if you look long and hard enough.

3. Ah ha…Tattoo membership websites. Even though you will have to sign up and join, what you get in return is access to thousands of really astounding and exclusive tattoo designs that you most likely would not find anywhere else, and you'll also be able to utilize any of the designs at NO COST. This is really easy way to filter through high quality tattoo designs at your own leisure, and find the best tattoo for you.

Finding a tattoo through a tattoo gallery

In the opinion of many professionals the best place to discover a tattoo is through a tattoo gallery. In a gallery you'll be able to view countless designs to help you finally choose a design that works best for you. Viewing the best tattoo designs can be exciting, motivating and very rewarding. Some of the best forms of tattoo galleries can be found here:

1. Tattoo museums: Some cities have small tattoo museums that can be cool to check out as you get to see many of the vintage designs along with designs that still rank as very popular today. Look around and you’ll find there could be a museum in a city near by. Quite often the actual tattoo parlors double as mini museums. Here you can browse and view at all kinds of designs from the past.

2. Tattoo parlors: Tattoo parlors will usually have hundreds of designs to look at. Browse through their books and on their walls. Usually you’ll see photographs of the actual tattoo just minutes after it was placed on the customer. This can really help you get an idea of how it will actually look.

3. Tattoo Online Galleries: Now here's a brilliant way to view thousands of astounding designs, without even having to leave the comfort of your home. There are many galleries on the internet that have popped up where they collect the best designs out there…both new and old. They also include quite a few styles from tribal to modern to vintage and so on. It's really the best of the best of what’s out there and it can make things really easy to look through many designs.

Free Download Kids Coloring Pages

disney coloring pages

Read the article about the benefits of kids coloring pages, making me searching on Google, software or coloring program for kids. I thought back to my writing on this blog. And the result, I found 4 coloring program for children which uploads at RapidShare. Here's the download link, if there might be interested for their children at home:

In addition to coloring pages mentioned above, also found many websites that provide coloring for children. So we can open the website, and choose which images you want colored. Examples of coloring website link:

  1. Coloringbookfun



and many more sites other colors, just search on Google with “coloring pages” terms.

Although there is also a saying that even if the coloring shackle creativity development of children, but I think these coloring pages activities quite useful.


Coloring and Drawing Competition In My Area

coloring page

On the Independence Day, residents in my village always held free coloring and drawing competition. This has become a habit that has lasted a long time. The competition was attended by 139 children for coloring competition, for drawing competition 113 children are the participants. The purpose of this activity is to cultivate creativity of students and to hone their drawing skills. Hopefully with this coloring competition the coaching in early childhood can shape the character to be a noble human, dynamic, active, creative and productive.

The coloring competition participants get a prize from the sponsors such a coloring books and stationery. This was deliberately done to increase the spirit of the children in this area. The children follow these activities with enthusiasm.

In the next year, we will hold another drawing competition with greater gift than this year. And we will invite all children to participate in this competition which will be held next year. So, prepare your self to this coloring and drawing competition.

How many Jokers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Wouldn't know. They're to busy loosening BATMAN'S SCREWS!

Katy submitted the Joker above, inspired by the Animated Series. The design was by Charles Holbert Jr, the ink by Elf at Immortal Images in Charlotte, NC.

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