Kylie Minogue Pop Hot Video Pics and Sexy Photos

Kylie Minogue Pop Star Hot Video PicsKylie Minogue Pop Star Hot Video Pics

Kylie Minogue Sexy PhotoKylie Minogue Sexy Photo

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Kylie Minogue Sexy Pop Star WallpaperKylie Minogue Sexy Pop Star Wallpaper

Kylie Minogue Sexy Video PhotoKylie Minogue Sexy Video Photo

Australian sensation Pop star Kylie Minogue has emerged as the most sexy celeb with whom British blokes would love to chat up on the phone in a new poll.

In the poll conducted by Tesco Mobile services, the 40-year-old singer Kylie Minogue earned the top spot, followed by Kiera Knightley at the second position and Angelina Jolie at the third.

Legendary actress Helen Mirren came in fourth.

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