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  • nimasm
    Jan 15, 02:44 PM
    zimtheinvader you're right: MBA does not compare favourably to other products available. Thinness is a nice quality, and indeed it gives that premium edge to the MBA that other UMPCs lack, but Apple's seeming need to give you a full-featured, full-screen, full-clock speed computer is contrary to the needs of ultraportability. While I don't begrudge the Core 2 processor, nor the ample RAM, I can't say that a 13.3" widescreen is essential. (Indeed, if you're aiming for portability, then the dinosaur 4:3 format offers a greater ratio of screen area to overall dimensions).

    I recently had the opportunity to borrow an Asus Eee PC, and was blown away by the advantages of its form factor. It was solidly built, confidence inspring, yet portable. The MBA makes me worry about potential flimsiness. How will it compared to a Macbook if bashed in the centre of the lid. The Eee PC, while slow and cramped, at least has rigidity

    Moreover, do people really want to pay more for a compromised solution? Compare the Eee PC at �200. Now I don't wish to say that the Eee PC is something Apple should have produced, but in almost every respect it is in the right direction. It's smaller in the correct sense (reducing the greater dimensions first), sturdier, cheaper. Asus have done a fantastic job of this, and I don't doubt that Apple could have done it even better. How about a 10-12" screen, make it thin if you really must, but make it cheap, and drop pretentions of selling people a widescreen video-editing 'supercomputer'?

    With my cursory memory of the MBA's features, I can't think of a single argument other than a need to have the latest thing for the MBA over the top of the range Macbook, a notebook which I subjectively think looks more attractive, too.

    What consumers would go for would be more portability, more affordability, at the expense of screen real estate and ultimate performance. What have given us is equal portability, a lot less affordability, and less performance.

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  • wallpaper dark fantasy. blue

  • JTR7
    Oct 23, 03:43 PM
    I think you both...

    That was directed more at True... But, thanks for the enlightenment.

    Obviously, you can understand the confusion.

    dark fantasy wallpaper. dark fantasy wallpaper.
  • dark fantasy wallpaper.

  • pgw3
    Aug 1, 04:27 PM
    I don't FEEL ignorant and stupid. Maybe that's because I took the time to READ and UNDERSTAND the limitations imposed on me by iTunes/iPod before I BOUGHT in. And maybe because I understand that what I am BUYING is a DIGITAL DATA FILE that must be interpreted by a certain APPLICATION to become music, and that this was EXPLAINED to me before I BOUGHT. That I don't OWN the MUSIC, and that there are LIMITATIONS to what I can do with it. ( And if you think I'm wrong on that last point, let a copyright holder catch you using their music for commmercial gain. Write back to us and describe the world of hurt that descends on you)!

    The fact of the matter is that reasonable DRM's protect the artists who are the source of the music. And Apples DRM is one the most reasonable in the industry, both protecting the artist, and allowing fair use by the customer.

    The problem is that the license says that the limitations can change at any time, so one doesn't really know what one buys, even if one has read the license - which I'm sure most people has not. I don't believe that the complaint is first and foremost about the DRM (which one may have opinions about exactly how it is implemented and shared but most anyway recognises it as a necessary evil) but rather what is summarised in these two sentences: "it is unreasonable that the agreement the consumer must give consent to is regulated by English law. That iTunes disclaims all liability for possible damage the software may cause and that it may alter the rights to the music". I think most of us agree that it is not reasonable that that which we buy can destroy anything on our computer and that they can e.g. suddenly just allow me to play a song just five times. And even though we all trust and like Apple these sort of licences are getting sillier and sillier (and it is certainlly not just Apple, it is basically the whole industry) and I think it is really good that someone who has the time and knowledge to fight it takes a stand against it, even though I believe shutting down the store may be overkill but I'm sure it won't come to that.



    dark fantasy wallpaper. dark fantasy wallpaper. Enjoy!
  • dark fantasy wallpaper. Enjoy!

  • CaoCao
    Apr 22, 08:20 PM
    You mean because they passed laws against homosexuality?

    While I find that a little simplistic, if you really want to run with that theory that's your choice.

    Homosexuality in ancient Rome (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality_in_ancient_Rome)

    Homosexuality in ancient Rome features dispassionately in many literary works, poems, graffiti and in comments, for example, on the sexual predilections of single emperors: Edward Gibbon famously observed that "of the first fifteen emperors Claudius was the only one whose taste in love was entirely correct". Surviving graphic representations are, on the other hand, rarer in ancient Rome than in classical Greece. Attitudes toward homosexuality changed over time ranging from the matter-of-fact acceptance of Republican Rome and the pagan Empire to rising condemnation, exampled by the Athenian Sextus Empiricus, who asserted that άρρενομιζία was outlawed in Rome� and in Athens, too!� and Cyprian.

    The term homosexuality is anachronistic for the ancient world, since there is no single word in either Latin or ancient Greek with the same meaning as the modern concept of homosexuality, nor was there any sense that a man was defined by his gender choices in love-making; "in the ancient world so few people cared to categorize their contemporaries on the basis of the gender to which they were erotically attracted that no dichotomy to express this distinction was in common use", James Boswell has noted.


    Later Empire

    The rise of statutes legislating against homosexuality begins during the social crisis of the 3rd century, when a series of laws were promulgated regulating various aspects of homosexual relations, from the statutory rape of minors to gay marriages. By the sixth century homosexual relations were expressly prohibited for the first time, as Procopius notes.

    On a related note, a search of the string "homo" in the article The Decline of Rome (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fall_of_rome) comes up with zero results.

    You gotta do better than that bassfingers. :rolleyes:


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  • goth bride dark fantasy

  • milo
    Oct 11, 09:36 AM
    No freaking way. Even thanksgiving is a long shot, early next year is more likely (which would be around the same time as iTV).

    :D You're joking, right? If you're tired of rumors, it's just so easy to stop directing your browser to a site called macRUMORS.com

    People aren't tired of rumors. We're just tired of the same old repetitive, idiotic, blatantly wrong rumors. I don't want to hear rumors unless they have a reliable source and have a solid chance of being accurate. This one is just stupid.

    dark fantasy wallpaper. HD Fantasy CG Female Character
  • HD Fantasy CG Female Character

  • sailnavy
    Jan 15, 02:13 PM
    So are we ever going to see Time Machine support for the TB drive I bought for my AEBS in preparation for Time Machine release?

    dark fantasy wallpaper. Horror Woman Wallpaper
  • Horror Woman Wallpaper

  • rockthecasbah
    Nov 16, 02:29 PM
    As it has been said, I agree that AMD shows promise and is a good option for down the road, but the fact is that Intel is just a better option right now. They have more of the ability to develop the chips Apple needs at the quantity they need them, and the timeline is there so it's Apple's call, not the chipmaker's, when they can release upgrades. Down the road, possibly, but not right now.

    dark fantasy wallpaper. Wallpaper image: Dark Gift,
  • Wallpaper image: Dark Gift,

  • twoodcc
    Aug 15, 04:38 PM
    well here's something weird going on. when i stand my computer up, the temps go up. and when i lay it down, they go back down. here is a youtube video of it. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXCSPXOOZ5U)

    but i do have a theory. the only thing i can think of is the cpu cooler isn't air tight, even though i screwed it as tight as i could. oh well, i guess i'll check it laid down

    dark fantasy wallpaper. Gargoyle wallpaper
  • Gargoyle wallpaper

  • brepublican
    Oct 20, 08:43 PM
    when CS3 ships, watch the marketshare explode.
    Definitely. Its amazing how the folks at Adobe seem to wield so much power... ? Or not, but its pretty interesting, especially now that Apple is just about almost in direct competition with them.

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  • Dark Alien Fantasy Wallpaper

  • Detlev
    Mar 28, 02:41 PM
    Next they'll want everyone to have an Apple ID to use their services.


    dark fantasy wallpaper. dark fantasy wallpaper. Enjoy! 30
  • dark fantasy wallpaper. Enjoy! 30

  • jellybean
    Mar 18, 06:59 PM
    What gives anyone the right to put down another person's passion or something they're enthusiastic about? If a friend of mine buys an expensive new car and it didn't suit my own personal taste, I would at least try and be polite about it and not belittle them by saying "what a pile of crap! you spent all that money on that piece of junk?" It's damn rude!

    A friend of a friend of mine who once visited my apartment made a snide comment about my iMac. I immediately replied "your t-shirt makes you look fat and ugly", which was met by a very awkward moment of silence. I followed up by saying "don't be rude about my personal taste and I won't be rude about yours."
    Needless to say he probably left thinking I'm some nutter who has an unhealthy relationship with my computer, but I'm glad I made the point.

    But I do agree that a lot of it is just jealousy. I've known many people who were once very vocal about their hate for Apple and the iPhone, who have since become iPhone owners themselves and now love it.

    And perhaps you could remind those who smirk that you've spent �500 on your phone that they too will likely be paying a similar amount for their smartphone over the course of their contract, but with an unlocked iPhone you also have the added benefit of being able to take advantage of much cheaper "sim only" tariffs which you're not locked in to.

    dark fantasy wallpaper. Dark Fantasy Art Photoshop
  • Dark Fantasy Art Photoshop

  • twoodcc
    Apr 3, 11:51 PM
    Glad you are back home and getting going again! Yes it seems we should get our numbers up again :)

    Thanks! I don't have things exactly like i want, but i will soon. It just may take a week or so

    dark fantasy wallpaper. the dark fantasy world of
  • the dark fantasy world of

  • resom
    Apr 9, 10:13 AM


    and also 3 shirts

    dark fantasy wallpaper. Fantasy Elf Warrior wallpaper
  • Fantasy Elf Warrior wallpaper

  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 16, 03:15 AM
    Next up, Google gives away songs for free. Inserts targeted ads every 30 seconds of music. Fandroids flood the Web to tell us all how awesome Android and "free" Google music are and what a greedy jerk Steve Jobs is for selling songs.

    You know it's coming.

    I just want to sync my music. **** itunes **** what ever. I love bit torrent. I refuse to pay for music or movies.

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  • giger dark fantasy mystical

  • JohnnyQuest
    Mar 17, 01:15 AM
    Haaaaaaa just shared a launch day story, and the majority of you would have hauled ass with iPad in hand for the price I paid. Haters lmfao

    I must say, terrific use of grammar. Flawless.

    You are so delusional. Not everyone lacks morals. What you did is WRONG, and you're trying to justify your actions. The poor guy you STOLE from is most likely going to lose his job. Bravo, you're a huge ass.

    dark fantasy wallpaper. Dark Fantasy Land wallpaper
  • Dark Fantasy Land wallpaper

  • mac-er
    Oct 2, 07:08 PM
    Jobs apparently warned that while Apple was not a litigious company

    Well, that has to be the funniest thing I ever heard.

    dark fantasy wallpaper. wallpaper dark fantasy.
  • wallpaper dark fantasy.

  • DeSnousa
    May 16, 07:30 AM
    Thought I would post here instead of starting a new thread. How do I get bonus points, all I am reading is -advmethods and setting up a passkey. Would it be worth it on a i7 720qm at 1.66ghz? Would it complete a wu in 4 days?

    This passkey sounds like a big deal should I be using it on all me machines?

    With the console client for windows, is there a way I can close the window with out it stopping folding, kind of pointless having the window constantly open. Surely it can fold in the background?

    Thanks guys :)

    dark fantasy wallpaper. Wallpaper image: Dark Blue,
  • Wallpaper image: Dark Blue,

  • Chundles
    Nov 27, 06:09 AM
    We're getting some sort of event down here in the big brown dry burning land on Friday - only three days to go till I find out if I can finally replace my 3G iPod and now that I'm back to earning real money again I might grab a few little accessories...:D

    dark fantasy wallpaper. dark fantasy wallpaper. :Fantasy, Wallpapers; :Fantasy, Wallpapers. smitty330. Aug 11, 04:30 PM. These iPhone rumours continue to persist.
  • dark fantasy wallpaper. :Fantasy, Wallpapers; :Fantasy, Wallpapers. smitty330. Aug 11, 04:30 PM. These iPhone rumours continue to persist.

  • ero87
    Nov 26, 12:06 AM
    ahh i miss real rumors! exciting new stuff!

    I guess I can't expect apple to ALWAYS have new stuff, but sales just don't excite me very much...

    Jan 5, 04:50 PM
    Thanks for the service MR! :)
    This time i really want to watch the keynote unspoiled, its going to be hard to resist all the Mac sites but this time i'm going for it.

    Apr 9, 09:47 PM
    New car for the wife! '08 Honda Odyssey EX-L


    Apr 11, 12:36 PM
    I purchased a stay at this Castle. I hope the wife likes it.

    I'm reminded of Little Britain hahahaha "Maybe I did and Maybe I didn't"

    Apr 13, 08:50 AM
    I don't see anything wrong with it at all. People use children to carry goods all the time and the TSA agent was totally professional about it talking through each step. The rules are there to provide a layer of safety and if you think that it doesn't and don't like the rules, ride the bus!

    Better yet, let's remove the TSA agents and let someone fly a plane into another building. :rolleyes:

    The 9/11 hijackers did not bring anything on the plane that was banned. No amount of groping or searching by airport security would've prevented 9/11.

    9/11 was a failure of intelligence, not a failure of airport security.

    IJ Reilly
    Oct 21, 04:58 PM
    Microsoft only paid a dividend when their share growth stagnated.

    Apple on the other hand has had stellar share growth recently so there is really no need to pay dividends.

    It isn't a question of "need." It's still a good idea, for the reasons I've stated.

    Also, AAPL has not had "stellar" growth this year. It was actually down for the YTD until recently.

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