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  • Shannighan
    Apr 8, 09:42 AM

    Return that. I'll send you my BD for free.

    EDIT: Actually I just saw you are in Germany, you can still have it if you pay shipping, but I don't know if it will work because of country restrictions...

    thermometers clip art. thermometer clip art
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  • Lycanthrope
    Jan 15, 04:24 PM
    I thought the best was the Mac Pro spec changes, I don't see why they did that last week? I though they were leaving space for some life-changing device, didn't happen.

    I would quite like the NAS Airport though...

    "There's something in the Air" - smells like ******** to me :D

    thermometers clip art. thermometer clip art teddy
  • thermometer clip art teddy

  • getalifemacfans
    Jan 9, 11:48 AM
    What are your predictions for this years MacWorld?

    i expect a new iphone(yes i do).the current iphone i think sucks i rather buy a nokia/sony ericson.
    a new mbp.ore even bether i really want that new ultraportebole with nice penryn to go.
    and what about that blueray?after warner has gone for the kill in toshibas heart and the theory microsoft just want chaos in blueray/hd sales so they can sell downloaded movies from the internett-maybe apple likes that theory as well ?would not suprise me.
    And if they update the macpro why dont they update the cinema displays?(look at the name "cinema" displays you really expect something juicy with that name)
    but like allways apple are allways interestet in proclaming that there products state of the art some of the products are.But if the product are state of the art - the product often speaks for it selfs..and if you are interested in a new fancy screen with that macpro check out the dell glass screen thats really something.
    'And what about that games?why cant apple/steve jobs close the deal with more gamedesigners so that mac/appleusers can stop playing on windows on ther mac(never gonna hapend i supouse)...
    dont allways wait for apple thats my tip but i really expect something groundbreaking to hapend inn MWSF - if not i would be just as shocking(thypical apple)...

    thermometers clip art. empty thermometer clip art
  • empty thermometer clip art

  • 3N16MA
    May 3, 10:50 PM
    Steve loves his magic. I bet he always wanted a magician at his party as a kid. Better than having a clown.


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  • Eye4Desyn
    Apr 16, 07:09 AM
    I'm calling it B.S. for sure. The shell geometry is insanely archaic and looks nothing like the fluidic form-factor seen on current and previous iPhones as well as the iPad. Creases where edges and surfaces meet are way too harsh for Apple's I.D. standards. FAKE!!

    thermometers clip art. pages thermometer clip art
  • pages thermometer clip art

  • JDOG_
    Oct 19, 10:04 AM
    This is great news, and that's a lot of macs! I can't help but think part of this is a big group of people waiting to buy a PC until it comes with Vista. Maybe I'm giving them too much credit, but if I could wait a couple months on the purchase to avoid an imminent ~$150+ O.S. upgrade I would. :cool:


    thermometers clip art. WWII thermometer clip art
  • WWII thermometer clip art

  • arn
    Apr 21, 01:40 PM
    we've turned it off to make some tweaks.

    It'll be back in a bit.


    thermometers clip art. thermometer clip art
  • thermometer clip art

  • maczter
    Nov 17, 01:03 PM
    meh. While it may or may not happen soon in the portables, I really would like to see at least the option sometime next year to get an AMD 4x4 based Mac Pro instead of Intel's pseudo quad-core...,72126-0.html?tw=wn_index_5

    I say AMD-based macs will definitely happen. I also say that Apple will not abandon Intel. They will merely offer various machines with your choice based on chips from the two vendors or perhaps some models that use chips from only on of the two vendors while other models let you choose, just as pretty much every single PC maker does these days. All this panic about "Apple wouldn't abandon Intel already", etc. is just silliness. Nobody says they can only work with Intel OR AMD but not both. Working with both is good for everyone as it keeps both suppliers on their toes and more eager to please. Why do you think Hugh Hefner keeps three girfriends these days? ;)


    thermometers clip art. thermometer clip art south
  • thermometer clip art south

  • stagelighteyes
    Apr 8, 01:52 PM
    The key word in that is IF most best buys don't have any ipads in stock to begin with and neither do apple store. There is a very short supply of them right now. so IF a store has some based on SOP they can hold them. It'll only be till Sunday so calm yourselves down. As for the PS3 can only be sold with a PSP you should have told him to shove it and spoke with a manager. That can get a kid fired

    thermometers clip art. thermometer clip art
  • thermometer clip art

  • amac4me
    Sep 12, 08:42 AM
    please read the thread....

    Same thing is happening to the following sites:


    thermometers clip art. icons thermometer clip art
  • icons thermometer clip art

  • dissdnt
    Apr 15, 03:12 PM
    Yah it's a 3d render, and photoshop added grain, doesn't look anything like real camera grain.

    thermometers clip art. thermometer clip art
  • thermometer clip art

  • McBeats
    Oct 6, 04:49 PM
    No the add is right. To many people drool over apple so they go with ATT. If you picked AT&T for the iPhone and knew the service was spotty in your area you loose all right to complain about it.

    i get what your sayin, but nah, they can still complain all they want... i dont think it says in the contract be expected to have 30% dropped calls.

    people complain not only to relieve themselves, but to eventually get whats right. (complaining on macrumors isnt exactly the best way of going about it, ill give you that)


    thermometers clip art. thermometer clip art
  • thermometer clip art

  • pmz
    May 2, 01:43 PM
    I find it hilarious that Steve Jobs claimed Apple was not tracking users, but now all of a sudden we find Location tracking being completely removed from this version of iOS, that is honestly something that annoyes me..

    It should annoy you, and everyone, because its a ridiculous shell game. Smart people know this, but smart people aren't the majority on blogs.

    thermometers clip art. empty thermometer clip art
  • empty thermometer clip art

  • Yamcha
    May 2, 09:40 AM
    I find it hilarious that Steve Jobs claimed Apple was not tracking users, but now all of a sudden we find Location tracking being completely removed from this version of iOS, that is honestly something that annoyes me..


    thermometers clip art. line thermometer clip art
  • line thermometer clip art

  • JRM PowerPod
    Sep 12, 08:01 AM
    i have two tutes tomorrow and lecture plus i have a 10hr shift, im going to sleep, wake me up when something happens 555-2121. Enjoy

    I predict

    Movie Store (US only)
    New iPod (fullscreen)
    New iPod nano

    One more thing will be two more things

    thermometers clip art. blank thermometer clip art
  • blank thermometer clip art

  • paulrbeers
    Mar 17, 08:45 AM
    OMG you people are completely overreacting. Do you know how often cashiers make mistakes such as this? If every store fired every cashier that came up short on their register at least once in their retail career, their would probably no cashiers. It's a common mistake that happens more often than you think and most stores just take it as a lost and go about business as usual. So, unless the cashier is completely incompetent and this incident is a repeat occurrence, I doubt he'll get fired.

    Bull. I had a girlfriend in high school get fired from OfficeMax for being $100 off where she had been working for almost a year. Unfortunately some guy came in that day, paid for two computers and a printer with $100 bills (total was something like $2500, as this was the late 90's). She counted it twice, but apparently one was missed. Corporate policy stated that she could only be off by less than $5 at the end of her shift.

    She didn't pocket the money and her manager knew that she didn't, but she still lost her job. Company policy.

    Would I like to get an iPad for half price? Absolutely, but ONLY if it was because the company was selling it for half price. I pay what I am supposed to pay.


    thermometers clip art. thermometer clip art shop
  • thermometer clip art shop

  • gorgeousninja
    Apr 17, 06:24 AM
    Everything on the original iPhone was already in use by other phones. Apple simply combined them all together in one phone and made it simpler to use. It revolutionized yeah, by simply bringing that stuff to the front of peoples minds.

    oh so they just 'brought all those things together, and made it easier to use'..

    Isn't that just a very ungracious way of saying that Apple introduced a phone the like of which no-one had seen before and thus revolutionized the market then?

    thermometers clip art. thermometer clip art
  • thermometer clip art

  • radiohead14
    May 3, 01:53 PM
    some android phones already come with wifi tether built in and you could disable the data charge on vzw phones. the good people at xda will find ways for the rest of the phones as well.. so this isn't really a big deal

    thermometers clip art. thermometer clip art blank
  • thermometer clip art blank

  • WeegieMac
    Mar 18, 04:59 PM
    I'm all for people loving their apple products. I love my iPhone too. But unlike some of these apple fans, I don't consider my iPhone to be the holy grail of smartphones.

    True, however it's like watching two people with tiny peckers argue about who's is biggest ... in other words, it's pointless.

    The iPhone users being overly enthusiastic does not give Android users the right to come on and literally, and this is exactly what the do, TELL the iPhone users that they are wrong, like it's factual. Having an opinion is one thing, but coming onto a forum created for a certain product and telling users of that product what their opinion SHOULD be, isn't on.

    I have yet to see one Android forum with as big an influx of rabid iPhone users who come on to do nothing but argue and disagree, as there are Android users on here.

    Now, I am fully aware and appreciative that there are Mac users who own Android devices. However, if someone states that the Retina Display (super dooper marketing name and all) is the best display of any smartphone (and I happen to think it is, but that's my own preference) then who the hell is anyone to openly quote and say they're WRONG?

    You'd get a more mature argument from two toddlers sitting tossing sand at one another in a playbox.

    Oct 17, 09:46 AM
    I'm not sure about what you're saying here, because content producers will still be having to supply the same film in two different formats.
    No they won't they can produce their film in whatever format they like because all players would be dual format so it wouldn't matter, they wouldn't even need those fancy hybrid discs

    They'll likely drop the less popular format, and thus, we'll have a winner. This could happen though it is unlikely with dual format drives

    DVD +/- is a writing thing. It's not the same, because people don't care where they get their blank discs from as much.

    When it was going on it was a big thing, because a lot of dvd Players would only Play one type of disc so if you recorded to + and your friend had - they would not be able to play it

    More simply, I'm curious of who out there needs to burn 30 to 50 GB chunks of data, too large for a dual layer DVD to hold, and why.

    I do , I have 140Gb of Photos from my DSLR (and previous digital cameras) putting this on 3 discs rather than 40 discs would be great

    I also have 28Gb of music, backing up form itunes to 1 disc rather than 8 would also be useful

    External drives are very easy to break beyond repair with osx (3 different NEW external drives, 3 different disk manufacturers disks, and the longest they lasted without dying so badly they needed an RMA was 72 hours) and dvd blueray etc discs take up less space, and you have the possibility of having 3-4 copies.

    Apr 18, 07:25 PM
    Or, perhaps, because of? Makes them tougher.

    Discuss. :)
    Likewise with the Jews perhaps? :rolleyes:
    It's already been explained to you that left-handedness is mentioned in history classes. Why do you have a problem with gay people being discussed? WHY?

    Answer the question, although I think I already know your answer.
    My point is lefties don't get history coverage in California so why should homosexuals? Furthermore American history classes end in the 1950s. I wouldn't have a problem with homosexuals being discussed when pertinent if we actually had the time, as it stands we don't.
    So you're cool with left-handers but not left-footers (
    depends on the meaning of left-footer
    They already misrepresent Islamic history in US schools. Saudi funded history books make it seem that Islam spread peacefully through the maghreb, arabian peninsula and levant/asia minor, but actually it was spread on the point of the Mohammedon's blade.

    Why not teach gay history too? At least gays don't perform violent acts and then use their scriptures to justify it lol
    Don't forget al-Andalus being the epitome of civilization and tolerance in Europe
    Doesn't your first statement contradict the second?

    Wouldn't learning disorders, dyslexia, stuttering and other speech disorders make it more difficult to "do well in society"?
    mea culpa, I badly worded that, I meant when they aren't forced to use their right hand, for example of the last seven presidents five have been lefties

    May 4, 01:11 AM
    You are correct that the way it is setup we pay for access and it has limitations and restrictions. I think the point is this just feels wrong. We have to accept it in the USA because we don't have a lot of choice/options. But in general if I am paying for data then why can't I just use it on what ever device I want? It doesn't make sense from a consumer stand point aside from the fact if you want data (which you are forced to pay for if you get a smart phone) then you have to agree to the wireless company terms.

    From their stand point, I think it is done to limit access while they build out the system. Watch though, once things get built out competition will come in and you will see data $$$ and limitations drop like minutes.

    I don't know, but it seems you guys are paying way more than what I am paying here in Hong Kong.

    Around $50 USD per month, it comes with 3900 minutes voice + unlimited data and free to use on tethering. And we are talking about the speed like this:

    Comptition is good. :D

    Jul 30, 11:54 PM
    i know! it cant be that hard to write some support for it can it? just support some of the later ones even.

    yeah you would think that. maybe some day

    Apr 9, 07:39 AM
    From what I've heard of Windows 8 so far, I am impressed that Microsoft are back on the ball in terms of features that users want. A lot of the features coming in Windows 8 should either have been added ages ago, or are polished/expanded versions of something that existed in Windows for a long time, but was either poorly integrated or went stale due to no updates for it over the years. It will also be good to see a return of the Marketplace.

    The idea of Live integration and the 'Ribbon' in explorer are the only things that put me off.

    What disappoints me in Lion is the system requirements. It is massively bloated. Core2Duo and 2GB of RAM minimum is terrible. Even though my Mac is capable of running it, I'm still not impressed. Hopefully the Resume feature will kick ass so much that it will be worth it. Other than Resume and Versions, the rest of Lion's features are a big 'meh'.

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