selena gomez in bikini

selena gomez in bikini. selena gomez in ikini 2009.
  • selena gomez in ikini 2009.

  • gnasher729
    Feb 26, 12:18 PM
    Hold it right there! The Kia models sold in Europe actually nowadays borrow from the current Hyundai Motor Company parts bin, and as such are way more civilized cars. Anyone who's driven the Kia Cee'd hatchback in Europe know it's a way better car than people think.

    Mostly because they are actually made in Europe. And Kia pinched the guy who designed the Audi TT to design the Kia Ceed. But I really wouldn't know who is borrowing from whom.

    selena gomez in bikini. selena gomez bikini image.
  • selena gomez bikini image.

  • Hans Brix
    Apr 20, 04:58 PM
    Yes I can drive a standard car.

    I would like to clarify a few things for people who don't live in North America on why so many don't drive Standard. Most cars today can't be had with a standard and even it's available you'd be hard pressed to find one, most dealer lots don't stock them. Certain cars have them but most don't offer it in higher trim levels so your stuck with automatic if you want a nicer car ex: Lexus IS, Ford Focus, Honda Civic, Accord, many Hyundai's.

    I've noticed this more and more. Hate it.

    selena gomez in bikini. Selena Gomez Bikini
  • Selena Gomez Bikini

  • strabes
    Mar 22, 05:35 PM
    a bulk mobile storage capable of pushing audio/video out to Apple TV, iPad, iPhone, etc.

    Your computer can do this right now with AirPlay.

    selena gomez in bikini. Photo: Selena Gomez and Demi
  • Photo: Selena Gomez and Demi

  • Yahgo
    Jan 4, 08:55 AM
    Macworld 2006 keynote was 1.5 hours long, with only 2 surprises... iMac Intel and MacBook Pro Intel, so if Macworld 2007 keynote is 2 hours long it must mean more then 2 major annoucements. Here is what I see happening:

    Steve will start by talking about retail stores (showing the new Fifth Ave store) and how many people came in during the Holiday quarter. Then he will tell us how much revenue the stores made during that quarter. Steve will then say how much total revenue Apple has made during the year, because the CFO of Apple (Peter Oppenheimer) doesn't want to confuse any analyst who many be attending or watching. Steve will go on to talk about iPods and how well it's doing with market share, how many they sold durning the holidays and which car companies are now on board with iPod, he may even talk about Nike+iPod. DON'T EXPECT ANY iPod UPDATES. Steve will then talk about iTunes and how many downloads it has. We may see some more movie studios come on board and even the Beatles on iTunes. Then he will talk about iTV , give a demo and annouce that it will be shipping today or February. After the iTV Demo, Steve will say that the rest of the time will be spent on the Mac. He will then go into iLife '07 and give a demo of iPhoto, iMovie, iWeb, Garageband and tell you about iDVD but no demo because of time. Then he will show us iWork '07 with new Keynote features and themes with updated charts and Pages plus a new application (maybe Charts) After iLife and iWork he will talk about Leopard and maybe show some new "Top Secret" apps since Vista is lauching for consumers on 1/30/07. I expect him to release Leopard at WWDC not at MacWorld. He will update Aperture. He will then announce some third party software from Adobe (Premiere and Photoshop) and Microsoft (Office) which will come out and demo their new products. Then Steve will talk about the iMac and Mac Mini and update both. I don't expect any updates on Laptops. Then the one more thing will be the iPhone (iChat Mobile) and Steve will talk about the years of development and partnerships and demo the product by doing a video chat with someone (Phil) then he will thank everyone at Apple who worked on the product and thank everyone for coming to MacWorld. So if you compare last year's updates with this year's you will see 2 additional products demos iTV and iChat Mobile, this is what will take the extra 1/2 hour. So to sum it up here is what you'll see.

    1) Retail Updates
    2) iPod / iTunes Sells
    3) iTV
    4) iLife/iWork
    5) Leopard
    6) Aperture 2
    7) Adobe and Microsoft Updates
    8) iMac update
    9) Mac Mini update
    10) iChat Mobile (iPhone)

    selena gomez in bikini. selena gomez bikini 2010.
  • selena gomez bikini 2010.

  • Kristenn
    Mar 25, 04:48 PM
    This is great news and all but I still don't get why people keep comparing an iMac (All in One) to a PC Tower and not something like the Gateway One or those Sony AIO computers. Its comparing apples to oranges.

    The iMac isn't crippled anymore than those PC AIO computers from Sony, Dell, HP, or Gateway. In fact, the iMac is the fastest AIO you can buy, at the moment. I don't get it. People seem to think the iMac is "underpowered" because it isn't the speed of a tower computer. Well, duh. Instead of comparing an AIO to a tower, compare it to another AIO. THEN you'll see that the iMac isn't "underpowered" or anything close to the meaning of the word.

    selena gomez in bikini. selena gomez bikini
  • selena gomez bikini

  • paul4339
    Apr 27, 01:20 AM
    ...Thats the exact same thing going on here with App store. Companies trademark "generic" terms all the time. Most trademarks ARE generic. But once it becomes used to associate a brand or product, its no longer generic.

    I think that's the point MS was making with it's objection, citing that Eastern Airlines had tried to trademark "Shuttle", and even though people associated Shuttle with Eastern, because the word was used so often, "shuttle" had (or became?) a "de-facto secondary" meaning. The courts ruled against Eastern and all the other airlines (New York airlines shuttle, Delta shuttle, etc) were allowed to use the word. MS then pointed out a list of examples of how 'app store' is used and has now attained a "de-facto secondary' meaning too. (I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just pointing out the Microsoft's case)

    selena gomez in bikini. selena gomez bikini image.
  • selena gomez bikini image.

  • lifeinhd
    Feb 21, 05:17 AM
    Lol I again drank it 2 days ago by buying a Intel MacBook. Sorry G4's, looks like retirement is looming again. ;)

    Not concerned with the impending refresh? Or do you plan to return and rebuy post-refresh?

    selena gomez in bikini. selena gomez bikini image.
  • selena gomez bikini image.

  • CrimeS
    Apr 2, 10:47 PM
    A really good representation of what Apple is striving to do in the "post PC" era. It's not about tech specs anymore (although those are still important things). Rather, Apple is leading in the innovation of consumer experience, which perhaps, is more essential to a product's success than simply its size, memory, screen resolution, etc. The future leaders of technology will be the ones that entice their customers through the brilliance and personal connections made with their products.

    Engadget wrote a great article ( about this a while back, in case you're interested.
    And if you're not interested, maybe you'll prefer this link instead ( :)

    Thank you for your comment! You hit the nail right on the head. Most people don't understand that simple idea.

    Apple is all about the "experience."

    My little nephews and nieces know how to work iPad without anyone showing them how to do it and their 2, 3, and 5 year olds.

    You can have the fastest, biggest cpus and cameras but what really matters is how easy the product is to use and the experience you get from it.

    selena gomez in bikini. Gorgeous Selena Gomez in blue
  • Gorgeous Selena Gomez in blue

  • lordonuthin
    Dec 21, 07:36 PM
    Thanx for the props!

    Now, if I could only get the big units to complete on a regular basis I could hold you off a bit longer


    Are they having problems finishing on time or do they quit before they get all the way finished?

    selena gomez in bikini. selena gomez bikini kissing.
  • selena gomez bikini kissing.

  • Full of Win
    Mar 24, 01:19 PM
    I wonder if this may imply the coming of that unicorn rider we all know and love, the 'headless mac" (aka xMac).

    Removable drives, no screen, more powerful than an iMac, 1499.99.

    selena gomez in bikini. Selena Gomez - Selena Gomez
  • Selena Gomez - Selena Gomez

  • Veg
    Feb 26, 03:21 PM

    External HDD:


    iPhone stand:

    Ha man you really did your research, how'd you find the lamp though?

    selena gomez in bikini. selena gomez in ikini 2010
  • selena gomez in ikini 2010

  • NameUndecided
    Apr 3, 12:42 AM
    The reason Lion's only 3.7 GB right now is because it's an upgrade only. You can't install Lion on a clean partition right now, only upgrade from Snow Leopard.

    Apple likely did this to reduce download times.

    ??? My 25gb partition was clean and blank when I installed Lion DP 1 and I think that's the case for most others as well. I'm not sure where you heard that, if I'm understanding you correctly.

    selena gomez in bikini. selena gomez bikini. selena
  • selena gomez bikini. selena

  • viccles
    Aug 24, 10:29 PM
    People and their meroms :rolleyes: Anyone would think the messiah is coming :eek:

    selena gomez in bikini. Selena Gomez Bikini Pic
  • Selena Gomez Bikini Pic

  • diamond.g
    Mar 24, 03:28 PM
    Can anyone explain the nVidia hate?

    I, for one, miss my old GeForce 8800.

    I have a Radeon HD 5770 now, and there are these little annoyances. For instance, when I run my bootcamp partition inside VMWare, the AMD driver software starts complaining. The GeForce didn't give a damn. Speaking of which, I had to install the .Net framework to install the AMD drivers. Kinda cheap. And every now and then I get a slight flicker in the screen. To be honest, I'm not sure if that's the Radeon, but I've never had it before.

    Don't get me wrong, the card is performing superbly overall. But the driver side still needs some polish. (And that's a complaint I've been hearing for ages!)
    The .Net framework is for the CCC (Catalyst Control Center). I am pretty sure you can still get the drivers and not dl the CCC.
    Why should you care about the IGP in your 2010 15" MBP? You have a discrete GPU(NVIDIA 330M) alongside it that it should automatically switch to while under heavy load.

    It isn't load based... It is API based. But you knew that...

    selena gomez in bikini. Selena Gomez in Bikini
  • Selena Gomez in Bikini

  • gyus
    May 2, 04:54 PM
    The more I see of iOS for the desktop, umm sorry I mean Lion, the more I dislike.

    Definitely skipping Lion. Perhaps Mac OSX will return to being designed around a screen larger than the ipad/ iphone and (gasp!) a keyboard.

    selena gomez in bikini. Selena Gomez#39;s BlackBerry was
  • Selena Gomez#39;s BlackBerry was

  • tablo13
    Sep 20, 08:02 PM
    What was the checkout like? Did you have to go through their checkout? I'm always suspicious of those places, and am concerned that they're using unsecured special checkouts and/or are stealing identities. And I'm not usually a suspicious person.

    I'm pretty sure they use the eBay's PayPal checkout. :rolleyes:

    selena gomez in bikini. selena gomez bikini with
  • selena gomez bikini with

  • maverick808
    Oct 23, 10:00 PM
    Does anyone really think Apple would do a major hardware update without a press conference of any kind?

    Depends what you mean by major hardware update.

    The iMac was updated without a press conference of any kind. That update included C2D, brand new larger screen model, FW800, much better video cards (at least as an option) and better speakers. I'd call the release of an entirely new model (the 24"), and processor and other updates across the line, a major hardware update. And that happened with no conference of any kind.

    The MacBook (non pro) was released without any event or conference. That update included a completely new enclosure, new processor architecture (and obviously new CPU), increased screen resolution, brightness... well, it was a whole new machine. And again... no press conference.

    I'd call that a major hardware update. I guess you must have a different definition of major hardware update... although I can't think what could be more major than the silent MacBook release, which was a completely new machine.

    selena gomez in bikini. selena gomez bikini pictures
  • selena gomez bikini pictures

  • Philberttheduck
    Nov 29, 08:30 PM
    What'll be the price on this badboy, you think?

    selena gomez in bikini. Selena Gomez Bikini Candids at
  • Selena Gomez Bikini Candids at

  • lordonuthin
    Mar 18, 01:30 PM
    ill try my best to explain haha.

    its running off my imac i7 machine (in sig).

    edit: ok dw i installed the system preferences pane and now its running fine :D (didnt realise there was one!). is there anyway to control the amount of cores/CPU usage? and also to view the images of it computing? check your stats? hehe

    my network usage is sitting on 9.4MB/s now. how odd....

    As far as network usage, the folding clients seem to do quite a bit of that for some reason, I haven't heard a good explanation for it though, but I have really looked for one :p

    I think there is a place in the last pane for additional parameters you can add "-smp 8" (without the quotes) or other parameters like "-bigadv" if you have a key. I can't remember now how to get the key :rolleyes:

    Glad you got it going finally:)

    A good stats site is kakaostats (

    Mar 12, 04:41 PM
    Does not aerodynamics dictate form, to a large extent?

    Jan 2, 06:35 PM
    Did that not just happen ... :cool:

    Speed bump to one or more Mac lines

    Less likely:
    Major upgrade to Mac mini (video card upgrade) or MacBook Pro
    New Displays

    Major upgrade to any line other than mini or MBP

    :( How long ago were the MBPs updated? Because I'm looking to buy Jan/Feb and I'm not confident that the current spec is competitive. It at least needs a HD screen.

    Apr 23, 09:10 AM
    -- The cache is good

    Let's be clear: the cell/hotspot lookup caching was undoubtedly an innocently added coding feature.

    Aug 7, 07:36 AM
    -Native NTFS write
    -Soltaire game as a dashboard widget
    -PC-run Mac OS X, but only via virtualization
    -Tabs in Finder and Safari be draggable, Dragon Drop style tabbed windows-like OS 9, and be easily recalled-bookmarks.

    There will never be NTFS write abilities in Mac OS X for a long time as Microsoft still keeps NTFS writing a propritary technology only licensed for use in Windows XP.

    Sep 7, 04:31 AM
    Reasoning goes like this:

    Music costs a small amount to make - can be as low as $10k for an album.
    Sell a bunch and make some profit.

    Movies cost upwards of $50 million to make, often $100mil or more, so you got to rent them and sell them and do whatever you can to get that cash back.
    And its got to go out the door at $25 if you are buying.

    Thing is, if Apple want me to buy a movie for $15, I can rent it for $5 at the store.....and copy it if I want.
    Yeah, I know thats against the law but a LOT of people do it, and anyway, if you d/l from Apple, where are you going to keep them all?

    250 gig drive will hold about 30 movies. Thats not a lot of movies, and most people dont have 250 drives yet.....
    Upwards of $50 million? Yeah, the crappy ones do. Usually though I prefer low budget movies... Donnie Darko was made for maybe 4 million for example. Mulholland Drive: 15 million. Machuca: 1.5 million. 12 Angry Men: $340.000 (ok, that's an old movie, but I doubt it would cost much more when it was made today). American Beauty: 1.5 million. 2046: 12 million. Muxm�uschenstill: 40000 � (absolutely fantastic movie). Why do the actors earn so much money when there are tons of good, unknown actors who could do the job better? Why so many special effects? And even if you use so many... Sin City was 40 million, Renaissance 14 million �, A Scanner Darkly 8.5 millions. These movies shure took quite a lot of efford... why are they so cheap? Somethings going wrong in Hollywood. Too many bad movies done for too much money made only to earn money.

    Anyway, buying DVD isn't too expensive too, the Criterion Collection is unfortunately expensive as hell, and you'll have to import them here, but there are quite a few good movies for a low price. Donnie Darko e.g. sells for a low price (around 10 � for the tin box 2 disc version), Mulholland Drive 10 �, some Kubricks 10 � or less, ... the Arthaus label is very expensive unfortunately... they seem to be some sort of German Criterion, without packing in so many specials.

    Apple would have to compete with these prices, and that doesn't mean same price, but lower, much lower. I mean what looks better? A nice, big DVD collection, or, well... nothing...?

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