nicole richie nose job before and after

nicole richie nose job before and after. blake lively nose job before
  • blake lively nose job before

  • allpar
    Apr 29, 03:45 PM
    Great news. Now if only they'd kept Rosetta, I'd upgrade happily. As it is... I'm going to have to stay stuck in Snow Leopard.

    nicole richie nose job before and after. she has had a nose job.
  • she has had a nose job.

  • fel10
    Apr 11, 08:05 PM
    Finally got the iPhone 4, 32GB to replace my Droid. Loving it so far.

    Got a car charger for it

    And a screen protector

    Also got "Tomb Raider Trilogy" for PS3

    Britney's new album, "Femme Fatale"

    And Shaw McDonald's new album, "Closer"

    nicole richie nose job before and after. megan fox efore and after
  • megan fox efore and after

  • spillproof
    Sep 28, 10:50 PM
    omg Steve Jobs please build myHouse.

    Does Stevey know feng shui?

    nicole richie nose job before and after. Blake Lively Nose Job Before
  • Blake Lively Nose Job Before

  • Stridder44
    Mar 24, 03:07 PM
    OS X? Never heard of it. It'll probably fail and fall into product obscurity hell like the iPod did.

    nicole richie nose job before and after. Nose Job, Before and After
  • Nose Job, Before and After

  • franmatt80
    Apr 26, 11:08 AM
    Apart from in this thread, I've hardly seen the system in use. Perhaps I'm just not visiting the right boards? Does it seem to be popular?

    nicole richie nose job before and after. nose job before and after.
  • nose job before and after.

  • radiohead14
    Apr 16, 04:28 AM
    Apple's success is in large part driven by the ecosystem that they have built around iPod/iTunes/iPhone/iPad. Good luck to anyone breaking into that anytime soon. The day I can buy a song on Mac/PC, synch it to my Android phone, then stream it around my home to HiFi or TV then we will have a competitor. Apple knows it, the record companies and studios know it, someone needs to tell Google.

    What a shame. I really like Android OS but one of my biggest complaints by far is the lack of a solid service to sync and play music with my phone/tablet.

    already exists - Amazon Cloud/Music Player

    nicole richie nose job before and after. Nicole Ritchie Plastic Surgery
  • Nicole Ritchie Plastic Surgery

  • leekohler
    Apr 17, 09:24 AM
    You completely missed the point. Let me be more specific for comprehension purposes. There is no way to teach the persecution of all peoples throughout the history of our planet with the way the school system is today. So where should the line be drawn? You never answered the question. Do gays deserve more attention than say slavery or the holocaust? It appears to me that you feel that a select few individuals, that may have been gay, deserve more attention than the plight of entire civilizations or race of people?

    No one is saying it is, except for you. Nothing is being placed above anything else. There is no order of importance.

    And this is not ignorance. Pointing out the sexuality of a person that made a contribution to society is irrelevant. Completely and utterly irrelevant! Do people remember Einstein for being a Jew or as the father of modern physics? You would prefer he was remembered as a Jew first?

    I'd prefer he be remembered for both, as they were both part of him. It's important for gay kids, like other kids, to know there are people just like them who have done great things. They're called role models. Why that bothers you is beyond me.

    As for me afraid of learning? Don't presume anything about anyone. I can make an educated guess by your spelling and grammar that you have an education. You are intelligent. We simply view this differently.

    Yes indeed. But why we differ is puzzling to me.

    nicole richie nose job before and after. karina smirnoff nose job.
  • karina smirnoff nose job.

  • schwell
    Oct 8, 09:56 PM
    About 2 months ago I paid an early termination fee and gave up my iPhone because of the dropped calls. I have a Blackberry on Verizon, and consume about 800 minutes a month (peak times, not nights and weekends) and close to 200MB of bandwidth.

    I have not had a single dropped call. I can also finally browse the web without Safari crashing all the time.

    I would not call looking at the web on a blackberry surfing. It is more like wading in a kiddie pool.

    nicole richie nose job before and after. kyle richards nose job before
  • kyle richards nose job before

  • Eduardo1971
    Apr 8, 04:20 PM
    Perhaps! New Hardware is coming out (iMacs???) and the promo will be a buy a Mac get an iPad for $X.

    One could dream...

    nicole richie nose job before and after. efore nose but the after
  • efore nose but the after

  • CAWjr
    Mar 17, 09:20 AM
    I wonder how you would have reacted it the "stoner" kid charge your card the entire puchase and pocketed the cash?

    I bet if this was the case, the OP would be flipping out on the store manager & demanding some kind of compensation for the error.

    It's cases like this that are the reason retailers put in insane return policies or restocking fees. Too many dishonest people out there trying to game the system & retailers finally decided to punish the masses for the dishonesty of the few.

    So thanks to people like the OP, we can all be glad that a simple return requires an original receipt, picture ID, credit card, and a sworn affidavit that we purchased our products legally & honestly.

    nicole richie nose job before and after. Celebrity Nose Job Before and After
  • Celebrity Nose Job Before and After

  • Melrose
    Mar 15, 04:59 PM
    Is Macbook pro amazing? Yes
    Will I swap my MCPro for anything else? No
    Did I pay a hefty premium for it? Hell yes
    Can I get the same thing from Dell or Toshiba for less? Absolutely YES

    I see your point, but I disagree about price and getting the same thing in a Toshiba.

    Toshiba does make a good Windows-based laptop but the Macintosh, specs-for-specs, is not any more or less expensive than a Windows model. In fact, some PC makers are more expensive when you compare components and specs. Note I'm leaving the OS argument out of it because for many people all that boils down to is personal preference.

    The bottom line is you use what you like, but if you want a high-end laptop, you pay more for it regardless of whether it's a Mac or a Windows machine.

    However, OS X is infinitely more stable and secure in my experience so even IF there were a premium price involved, I'd still pay it. That is the key difference for me. Apple could make butt-ugly computers, but if the OS was the same I'd still buy them.

    nicole richie nose job before and after. Celebrity Nose Job Before and
  • Celebrity Nose Job Before and

  • montycat
    Mar 24, 07:18 PM
    This would NEVER Happen. but wouldn't it be an awesome treat if Apple added in an emulator that could run (and was pre loaded with) each major version of Apple OS's from the Apple I on. ! (and heck while we're dreaming, how about all the Next Step OS versions too)

    It's in no way practical, but I'd truly geek out over it ! :)

    Agreed! I was playing around with OS 9 the other night and it was fun and nostalgic :)

    nicole richie nose job before and after. kyle richards nose job before
  • kyle richards nose job before

  • Slix
    Apr 16, 06:38 PM
    So you're saying that iTunes is hard to beat?

    No way?

    nicole richie nose job before and after. plastic surgery nose.
  • plastic surgery nose.

  • bdj21ya
    Oct 12, 09:52 AM
    iBeard, you're assuming that the only thing a larger screen is good for is movies/tv. With a 4" screen on the pod, you have a larger viewing area for more than movies/tv. You have it for games, pictures, chat(when available), text, better view of album artwork, and so on. It may not be for you because you may only use your pod for music, but you gotta admit there's a huge market for it.


    It's not just that though, a 4 inch screen that you can move around easily (without scratching the spinning DVD) would be awesome for watching movies. I would even go so far as to say that it could be a larger viewing area than your bigscreen plasma.

    nicole richie nose job before and after. Before And After Nose Jobs
  • Before And After Nose Jobs

  • iliketomac
    Jan 15, 01:29 PM
    the apple remote is an optional extra! like the superdrive, theres an optional extra ethernet USB adapter. (for the MBA single USB port!)
    just wait for the apple USB hub announcement to come in the summer! :D

    Dang, they should have included that in the box!

    nicole richie nose job before and after. kyle richards nose job before
  • kyle richards nose job before

  • shawnce
    Oct 30, 10:21 AM
    The end-fact that Apple's source does not appear to be publicly accessible does not appear to be in dispute, but rather questions have arisen as to whether it was ever publicly accessible (publicly accessible as defined by not requiring registration with Apple. The source is still free).

    Any item released under the APSL (Apple Public Source License) requires and has required since the dawn of the APSL users to register an account with Apple (free account). This is done so Apple can track that you have read the APSL before you gain access to the source. It has always been this way... in fact this registration requirement was talked about on and off for years on the Darwin lists (for example ( and was one of the reasons that OpenDarwin was started (some folks just couldn't bring themselves to register).

    A few years ago Apple integrated the open source account system with their Apple ID system so that if you have an Apple ID you didn't have to create a separate account you could just use that. See last paragraph of this email (

    All Apple Developer Accounts (ADC) can be used as an Apple ID, as can .Mac accounts, Apple support forums accounts, Apple store accounts, etc.

    Finally the 10.4.8 source never got linked on the top level darwin source page, only 10.4.7 got listed most recently (I have been looking for the last 3 weeks). The reason is that Apple is transitioning over to (that is the site that lists links to Intel version of XNU and only that site) and they appeared to have hit some system resource issue that has slowed this transition. As I noted in my prior post you can access 10.4.8 sources using a direct link to the tarball.

    As a side note I have worked on Darwin sources since it was first put online under the APSL and I worked on aspects of OpenDarwin when it first got going. So I am speaking from a long history of experience with Darwin.

    nicole richie nose job before and after. nose job before and after.
  • nose job before and after.

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Apr 29, 01:26 PM
    And people kept telling me that OSX and iOS weren't going to merge in any meaningful manner for years ahead, if ever. Yeah right. I'd bet the one after this has them nearly fully merged and I mean towards iOS for the most part. OSX will be dumbed down to the lowest common brain cell and you won't be able to get free/open software anymore. It'll have to come through the App Store or not at all. Wait and see. That is the point I'll be moving on.

    nicole richie nose job before and after. megan fox nose job before
  • megan fox nose job before

  • twoodcc
    Apr 9, 06:25 PM
    Looks like we are getting close to our likely max output of 270-280k ppd... Nice. Let's see if Apple wants to release new Mac pros soon now.

    hopefully my output will go up next week.

    yeah, it looks like mac pros aren't coming til wwdc or close to it, but hopefully sooner

    nicole richie nose job before and after. already had a nose job,
  • already had a nose job,

  • Flowbee
    Nov 16, 01:09 PM
    please no page 1 vs page 2 comments... :)

    OK... This should be on page 3. :p

    [Damn you, longofest!]

    Doctor Q
    Apr 26, 12:23 PM
    P.S. The box surrounding the up/down buttons is baboon-ass ugly.
    Web-surfing baboons might not agree with your assessment, but I'm pretty sure humans would. Those boxes are not supposed to be there.

    Apr 16, 12:43 PM
    No, when Apple revealed the iPhone most people were thinking something along the line of "Apple seriously need to reconsider leaving out 3G and the ability to install software if they want to make it in the smart phone business", a phone that doesn't let you install new software is by definiton not a smart phone. The iPhone 3G was the real deal, ofcourse the first gen was successful, simply because it was Apple, but the 3G was when it turned into a good product and soared in popularity.
    And iPhone is far from the first icon based phone and I personally believe the Sony Ericsson P800 and P900 was a big inspiration for iPhone.

    It still hurts you, isn't it? When it's Apple that re-invent the phone.
    Goes on. Keep denying pal. Let us know how hurt you are. Pundits out there all accepted what iPhone did to the industry. Only bitter person like you can not accept that. :cool:

    I find this whole "Apple invented the smartphone" argument amusing.

    You are one of those idiots crawling at Engadget who saw Macworld 2007 keynote and think only one thing.. "touch screen keyboard? Yuck!!!", I guess. LOL

    Jan 15, 04:05 PM
    This has to be one of the worst Macworld keynotes ever....and there were a couple of stinkers. I mean....where are the new MacBook Pros? Where is a new Mini? Where is an AppleTV with an OPTICAL DRIVE! Nowhere to be seen. What do we get? A new laptop where they charge us more and give us less. I mean...when was the last time Apple shipped a computer without Firewire??? Please! Hell...they should have saved the Mac Pro announcement for today, to add SOMETHING to the awful show. Maybe then my portfolio wouldn't have taken the dive it did. Come on, Steve, is this the best you can do? Where are these new Apple/Intel devices??? My biggest disappointment is the lack of Blu-Ray though. I mean, no new iPod? No new iPhone. I mean....I don't need anything HUGE, just some storage increases. Bad....bad bad bad.

    Jan 15, 03:14 PM
    Three new toys to own (MacBook Air, :apple:tv 2, and Time Capsule) plus an update for my existing toy - iPhone.

    Count me as pleased.

    Now hopefully an MBP refresh will happen next Tuesday.

    what you're getting ALL of them? :eek:

    Oct 17, 10:05 AM
    Never underestimate the storage capacities people will require! It wasn't THAT long ago I remember having a 10 *megabyte* hard disk drive on my old TRS-80 computer and thinking "This thing is HUGE! I can store every program I own on here AND all my data!" And we all know the ever popular "640K should be enough for anyone!" quote regarding RAM memory.

    But if you're talking about simply the "here and now", yeah - the typical user won't have a good reason to store 30-50GB on a single piece of media. On the other hand, someone who works with video a lot easily might. (Think of the idea of making a single disc that contains a full collection of HD video clips you made and edited so you could copy/paste them into future projects, at will.) Sort of like those "50,000 clip art images collection!" CDs people buy, except your own, personal HD video version.

    I'd also imagine this would be nice for corporate backups. People currently shell out around $90-100 each for DLT or LTO type backup tapes that hold maybe 40GB or so of compressed data. They could substitute one with HD-DVD or Blueray media and have more reliable backups with easier, quicker retreival too.

    That comment about not including the burner is interesting, and I'm at least trying to give it some more thoughtful consideration. Who really needs to burn 30 - 50 GB of data? For backup solutions, wouldn't just getting a huge external hard drive be more practical? Portability might be a factor there, but external drives aren't that cumbersome I don't think. I'm thinking that the majority use of those HD media burners would be to copy movies with illicit applications. Could Apple put in place some protection framework that attempted to only allow creative-works-originating software to burn HD discs, (ie, iMovie, iDVD, FinalCut and other pro apps that use full quality, large size files) therefore denying use of a program that takes a quick and dirty imported disc image and burn it to disc, so that you'd have to work around some long and annoying solution to make an illegal copy (ala burning audio CDs in iTunes and reimporting them to strip the DRM) that would deter any easy mass pirating?

    More simply, I'm curious of who out there needs to burn 30 to 50 GB chunks of data, too large for a dual layer DVD to hold, and why.

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