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tagged pictures for facebook. Current Facebook Contest
  • Current Facebook Contest

  • parkds
    Sep 28, 01:36 PM
    Having been into Jobs NYC apartment before it got sold to Bono, this is about the type of design I would expect. Clean, efficient, stark. Wonder if it will have black granite floors throughout, like his NYC abode did, with every outdoor surface being heated.

    tagged pictures for facebook. like to tag, Facebook will
  • like to tag, Facebook will

  • as2
    Sep 12, 08:09 AM
    Considering that the videos are showing up on the German QuickTime page I think that the movie store is likely to be launched across Europe and Canada as well as the states.

    I just hope that the quality of the downloads is good enough to watch on an external tv.

    tagged pictures for facebook. tagged facebook,zuckerbook
  • tagged facebook,zuckerbook

  • DataThief
    Apr 11, 01:19 AM
    Just bought last week, new addition to my collection. Model 23, Gen 4 .40 cal.


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  • to items tagged #39;Facebook#39;

    Jan 11, 10:00 PM
    Everyone is making comments that suggest that the Gizmodo guys are professionals and have broken some code of ethics.

    They are BLOGGERS. There are no rules in blogging. There are no codes of ethics.

    Sure they were over the top, but that drove traffic to their site. The only thing they are worried about is traffic to the site, that is how they make money.

    Should they be banned? Why? It's not like they are journalists.


    tagged pictures for facebook. Tags: profits, facebook
  • Tags: profits, facebook

  • lordonuthin
    Jul 22, 04:27 AM
    My router is having some trouble, seems to quit working whenever I'm at work :mad: I bought a new one on ebay, hope it gets here SOON!

    tagged pictures for facebook. At facebook, you can tag your
  • At facebook, you can tag your

  • Macnoviz
    Oct 11, 01:53 AM
    I think that would be really great, because now, Zune and iPod are on par, with Zune slightly ahead for consumers that don't think too much (no, it is not widescreen, but try telling that to people)

    Now Apple has a chance to realy boost Christmas sales by just blowing Zune out of the water with a cheaper "music" iPod (30 gigs, no video?, $199) and a video iPod (60/120 gigs, widescreen, touch controls $349, $449)

    I don't know about the specs or prices, but new and better iPods could kill Zune in it's first season, before m$ completes the lineup with more players and devices.


    tagged pictures for facebook. Facebook Page Tagging
  • Facebook Page Tagging

  • unce
    Jul 21, 09:29 AM
    Starting to get annoyed by Apple...who cares if other brands have a similar issue. The issue is with the iPhone4, which is their product, and should be taking responsibility for. This is such a childish thing to do. I really thought Apple would be better than this.


    tagged pictures for facebook. Facebook Privacy
  • Facebook Privacy

  • j-huskisson
    Sep 12, 07:41 AM
    You won't be if Apple are increasing the bitrate of audio tracks as part of the update. It's about time they did.

    To be honest I don't care about the bitrate of audio tracks..

    However if they brought American TV shows onto a global release date (ie we get them the same time as they do) - THEN i'd care about the update.

    Anything else is just more clutter..


    tagged pictures for facebook. and tag them on Facebook
  • and tag them on Facebook

  • rnelan7
    Apr 10, 02:39 PM
    Samsung PN50C8000 x3.

    Continuing to build my ultimate theater room - just need to paint the in wall speakers that were installed.

    Just curious, why three televisions instead of just one big projector?

    tagged pictures for facebook. Facebook has launched a new
  • Facebook has launched a new

  • rdowns
    Dec 13, 12:50 PM
    We can all dream right? I hope to god this is true. I need better service. To me, it'd be worth the $200 termination fee...

    If you really needed better service, you wouldn't be using an iPhone on ATT.

    I'm getting really tired of reading "iPhone on Verizon 4G after Christmas!" rumors on here. WHy is it that every time someone says "Oh, I've heard the iPhone's coming to Verizon in January," MacRumors puts it on the front page or Page 2? Are enough people so totally obsessed with the iPhone, they pee their pants if they don't hear a Verizon iPhone rumor every day/every other day?

    Where would you have MacRumors put it? Why do you think of others peeing their pants?


    tagged pictures for facebook. Tagged, Facebookquot;gt;Comments and
  • Tagged, Facebookquot;gt;Comments and

  • Mr. DG
    Jan 9, 03:00 PM
    OK, i dont know if this is a problem, but the URL of the keynote itself happens to contain a spoiler. Could be an issue.

    tagged pictures for facebook. Posted by; Tagged: Kitchen
  • Posted by; Tagged: Kitchen

  • zMacintoshz
    Apr 10, 05:12 PM
    24" dynex 1080p hd tv for $200 at best buy.


    tagged pictures for facebook. tagged facebook,social
  • tagged facebook,social

  • Puppies
    Nov 23, 05:24 PM
    We'll see if Macbook/Pro discounts are enough to sway me towards one :)

    In any event, it gives me an excuse to click on Apple.com tomorrow.

    tagged pictures for facebook. Tagged 2011, awards, facebook,
  • Tagged 2011, awards, facebook,

  • pistolero
    Apr 5, 06:07 PM
    I don't know why you people don't like this. Apple announced iAds like a year ago, and I still haven't seen a single one. I'm simply curious about seeing at least one iAd to see what all the fuss is about. This App allows you to see an iAd so you can know what it is, as no one has actually really implemented them yet. This is probably the only place that has iAds in.

    You will only see iAds if the apps you use have implemented them. Most Paid apps don't have them, only free apps with ad support. iAds are not banners on safari or pop ups screens. They're like interactive applets within the app you're using. iAds are usually seen in free news apps such as the guardian or huffington post. So if you mostly use paid apps you will never see a iAd.


    tagged pictures for facebook. gemini Tagged, facebook,
  • gemini Tagged, facebook,

  • G58
    Apr 5, 05:39 PM
    Not currently available in the UK Store...

    tagged pictures for facebook. album in facebook my blood
  • album in facebook my blood

  • citizenzen
    May 4, 07:45 PM
    I'm a gun person ...

    I, on the other hand, am very anti-gun.

    However, even I got a chuckle out of the bumper that read, Guns kill people, like spoons made Rosie O'Donnell fat.

    But then I thought about it ... spoons are eating utensils ... perhaps we should call guns killing utensils.


    tagged pictures for facebook. How Does Facebook Photo Tag
  • How Does Facebook Photo Tag

  • pmz
    Apr 15, 10:52 PM
    I wish the next iPhone could look like this, but all one has to do is look at how incredibly ugly the iPad 3G model is with it's disgusting black plastic ass, to know that no recently designed iPhone model is anywhere near becoming all aluminum. It just doesn't work. The first iPhone tried to do this, looked exactly like the iPad 3G does 3 years later, and still had a ton of connectivity issues. Does anyone believe Apple wanted to abandon that gorgeous design after only one year? Nope. They had to. They got away with terrible reception during a time when it could be blamed on AT&T, and Edge was all it could connect to. To make an impact with the iPhone 3G, and actually improve things, more than the radio had to change...the entire case did. This, the plastic iPhone casing, is not going away any time soon. Don't even expect to change, even slightly.

    In fact, anyone expecting a case redesign of any kind for the iPhone is sorely mistaken, and completely out to lunch.

    Regardless of the validity, I personally think the chances are very high for a unibody type iPhone, it only makes sense. Apple did a unibody macbook (plastic). Its Apple, everything standardizes and is consistent, otherwise Steve's head will explode.

    What the hell would you call the current iPhone design, 2 years running? (other than a unibody plastic design)...

    tagged pictures for facebook. using these facebook tag
  • using these facebook tag

  • rtdgoldfish
    Mar 28, 11:27 PM
    Wait, so is it showing up again in your Connect360? Try and call the cops the minute is shows up.

    That or,

    If parents live there with the teenager(s), just ask them if their kid just got a 360 and if they would mind if you compared serial numbers to your receipt, since its showed up in range of your wireless network.

    Don't blame the kid, but be like, well maybe another kid sold it to him or something.

    I don't know about them, but at least my parents would have my ass up there in an instant with my 360 even if I had it for over a year lol. I don't even want to think what would have happened to me if it was yours.

    Actually, third idea. Just guess which house it is. And just go there and be like, I know you stole my 360 and games, I can tell from it trying to connect to my router since the house is so close. So, I'll tell you what, I'll let all this go if you just hand it over. If he denies it, just be like, okay, well, I'm taking this (log sheet) to the cops, and I can peg the IP address to you. Are you sure you don't want to do just give it back?

    And when he gives it back call the cops.

    I have it narrowed down to two houses. Every time the 360 shows up on my network, I take a walk around the neighborhood and see who is home, who has a glow from a TV in their window, etc. The cops are working on background info on both houses to try and get a warrant. It seems there have been other break-ins in the area and they are hoping to catch the guy (or girl) who has been doing it. Right now, my 360 showing up on my network has been the biggest lead they have gotten because it narrows down the area by quite a bit. They don't want me to go knocking on doors because they are afraid they will either ditch all their stolen stuff if they know the cops are on to them or just lay low until it all blows over and then start again.

    Its been really hard knowing that my 360 is within 500 feet of my house and having a damn good idea of who did it and not being able to do anything about it. The cops hope they will be able to do something soon but every day that goes by, I fear I will not be getting my XBox back just a little more. :(

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  • Willis
    Sep 12, 05:09 AM
    6pm BST, on what channel? :p

    Mar 14, 06:54 AM
    Garageband is a great product and is pretty innovative.

    I disagree. GarageBand is nothing but a mere childs toy compaired to the likes of Pro-Tools and the Ableton Suite. Even Logic (GarageBand for grown ups) is pretty damn basic compaired to what DigiDesign put into their products.

    Steve can say "This is not a toy!" in his demos as much as he likes. GarageBand is a toy.

    Manic Mouse
    Sep 12, 06:22 AM
    I don't think we'll see imedia or any weird name for the new movie store, but rather an expanded version of quicktime will be launched.

    Think about it:

    Already included with itunes
    Established brand name
    Already made for mac and pc

    Plus the app already is a pretty good player, just needs non-pro fullscreen.

    Interesting thought...

    Oct 5, 08:39 PM
    So when will Real be dead? I have a feeling that after our inevitable nuclear war, it'll just be cockroaches, twinkies and them. At least they'll be in good company.LMAO:D :D :D :D

    May 4, 03:55 PM
    Exactly. Physicians can't be sitting there going through every single life hazard.

    "Do you walk across the street?"
    "You should look both ways."
    "No ****!"

    "Do you go to the mall?"
    "You should keep children under the age of 5 close at your side at all times."
    "No ****!"

    Which brings me back to my initial reply. A "Firearm" has ZERO possibility of injuring your child, until someone behaves irresponsibly. I am fine with a doctor providing a pamphlet of common household hazards and steps to prevent them, but I get the feeling this is not the case. I can too easily imagine the doctor going off on a tangent about firearms deaths statistics, etc...

    But again, the most important part: If you dont want your doctor "politicing" you, GO TO A NEW DOCTOR. There should NEVER be laws against what you can or can not say.

    May 4, 06:15 AM
    A great commercial. Congrats Apple !

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