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  • Chupa Chupa
    Aug 7, 03:37 PM
    The 20" is still way over-priced.

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  • aristobrat
    Oct 6, 10:29 AM
    T-Mo may have screwed the pooch on their 3G rollout, but my phone doesn't drop 30% of my calls. It'll be interesting to see how ATT, and TMo keep up with the 3G coverage, as Verizon and Sprint move forward.
    AT&T in my area doesn't drop 30% of the calls either, ... and 3G is faster than Verizon, too. Thankfully I don't travel out of my area often. :)

    For whatever reason, Sprint and Verizon started deploying their 3G networks about three years before T-Mobile and AT&T did. Nothing T-Mobile and AT&T can do about that now, except let Verizon gloat while they continue to try to play catch-up.

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  • bigdz68
    Nov 24, 07:29 AM
    I'm still seeing only one discount applied online.

    I was not able to get an EDU discount and sale discount.
    BUT, if you are a gvt worker you can get both discounts.
    I priced out a new 80GB ipod w/2 Evo3 skins, and the applecare protection plan and it was $30 cheaper with the GVT discount ... but no luck with EDU

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  • drsmithy
    Nov 17, 12:47 AM
    Agreed. AMD has traditionally been significantly faster and cheaper than Intel.

    Maybe if your idea of "traditionally" ignores most of the last quarter-century or so...

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  • micahR
    Nov 8, 02:10 PM
    I was on multiplayer earlier, you'd be surprised at how many thousands of people are already on it, via pre-orders I assume and different timezones judging by the different accents people had.

    So just change the timezone and you are golden. :)

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  • fun173
    Mar 24, 03:10 PM
    Happy Birthday OS X

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  • TequilaBoobs
    Jan 12, 08:45 AM
    Wow, I just watched the keynote and my god this guy is hard to stand. I've watched previous keynotes and he never seemed this bad. The charisma he's displayed in the past has been replaced with smugness. He acted like the iPhone was the second coming of christ and we were so lucky that he existed to bring it upon us.

    When really, this is probably the single worst keynote for Mac users that he has ever given. No hardware updates. No 10.5 preview. Not even iLife and iWork '07! Plus, very people I know are going to be interested in spending $600 + $60 a month or more to use this phone while plenty of us would love to spend $300 or $400 or even more on a full-screen video iPod. God, I wish this keynote was all some nightmare and in the real one Apple actually gave us something we wanted.

    wow jamr u have big balls, coming to macrumors to call Steve Jobs an SOB. that's like going to a kkk rally and saying david duke is retarded. just be prepared to be flamed!

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  • camelsnot
    Mar 17, 07:04 AM
    Haaaaaaa just shared a launch day story, and the majority of you would have hauled ass with iPad in hand for the price I paid. Haters lmfao

    not so much. With that kind of screw up, I would've gone back. yes, you are bragging about someone elses mistake and how you capitalized on it.

    Douches eventually get theirs. People like that tend to get what's coming to them 10 fold, regardless if you feel you need to debate if it's karma or "moral code". I bet you're one those people who finds a wallet with $50, credit cards, driver's license and a condom and tries to use all the contents then throws the wallet away. Do you kick dogs too?

    Your other option is to go back to Best Buy and explain what happened, saying you didn't realize the error until settling your bank accounts while doing bills. That's if you actually have any bank accounts.. or have a conscious at all.

    Have an adequate day.

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  • kas23
    May 2, 11:49 AM
    Image (

    That is hilarious! I actually wouldn't be surprised if there was some truth to it, especially with all these BO/Jobs meetings.

    Thanks to Apple for addressing the issue and thanks to the people who discovered and revealed it.

    Yeah, thanks Apple. Truth is, this "bug" would never have been "fixed" if the mainstream media didn't jump on this story. If I remember correctly, Jobs denied any problem (like he always does) just last week. Suddenly this becomes a problem when Al Franken (of all people) comes knocking on Apple's door. The whole situation has almost become a parody.

    And also, where exactly is this "fix". Seems like Apple was much more responsive getting 4.0.2 released.

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  • Willis
    Sep 12, 05:09 AM
    6pm BST, on what channel? :p

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  • mkrishnan
    Sep 7, 10:12 PM
    I've never heard myself say "Yo, Yo, wut up dude?" either...

    God, I hope not! :eek: ;) :D

    No, I downloaded it from somewhere else.

    *wink wink, nudge nudge*

    Say no more! :p

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 16, 06:26 AM
    Let us not compare Apples to turds.

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  • -y0-
    Apr 13, 02:31 AM
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  • thesheep
    Aug 23, 08:26 AM
    I bought a new 23" display last week, from the UK Apple Store website. I rang them before I ordered to check that it would be one with the new specs. They confirmed that it would be.

    Now the monitor has arrived and it has serial number 2A6171XXXXX. Apparently manufactured in April 2006. I just rang technical support and they said it isn't one with the new specs. They didn't know if there was a new model number, or when they're getting the new specs in, or anything at all really.

    If anyone is very keen to get the new version in the UK, I suggest you wait a while and try to be extremely specific when you do order.

    Other than that it seems to be a really great display and I'm probably not going to bother sending it back.

    However, I do have one issue with it. It seems that certain shades of bright green are much more saturated and more 'garish' on the display than they are on my Powerbook display. If I look at the same image on both, the difference is really noticeable. Not really sure what to do about it. I imagine it is probably the display that's inaccurate, rather than the powerbook, but I can't be sure. Anyone had any experiences like this? It is particularly noticeable on 'yellowy-green' colours, which look much more garish on the cinema display.

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  • Willis
    Sep 12, 06:33 AM
    I cant believe how much press Apple is getting. It was never like this before. IE. when the battery recall was on the news, the BBC/ITV were camped outside of Regent street's Apple store talking about the batteries and what went wrong and what not, even though Dell was involved too. Bit harsh I think.

    But, it still suprises me about people and their iPods. I was at college the other day and someone had their iPod out. I pulled my first Gen iPod out my pocket and said "Now this is old school. You can only use this with a Mac" and the student said to me "Whats a Mac?"

    After explaining that the iPod is made by a company called Apple, which has made PC's since the 70/80s, he then replied... "oooh, those computers are rubbish"

    yeah, whatever you say mate...

    EDIT: sorry, just a rant really... but on topic!

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  • wpotere
    Mar 18, 01:20 PM
    Threads like this crack me up....

    I just gave up my iPhone for a WP7 and to be totally honest, I like it a lot more. Sure, there is a lack of app support and I would like to see it become a bit more customizable but for a phone, it, to me, is a better phone.

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  • Benjy91
    Apr 7, 09:59 AM
    Is Windows 8 then Windows 7.0, like Windows Seven is actually Windows 6.1?

    Thats just the NT version. Windows 8 will be 6.2

    7 was 6.1,
    Vista was 6.0
    XP was 5.0

    Technically Windows 7 is the 10th version of Windows, if you don't count Windows Server.

    Windows 7 is the 7th version if you count from Windows 95.

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  • jimbo999
    Oct 3, 12:01 AM
    The DMCA changed that, and until it's tested in court anything where encryption is used or even potentially used is not "safe" to reverse engineer in the US.


    Not "anything where encryption is used." But if something is encrypted, it can only be reverse engineered under 1201(f):

    (f) Reverse Engineering. -

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  • Benjamins
    Apr 15, 11:09 PM
    In fairness to Google, no one said that they were out to destroy iTunes or anything like that. They've got a growing mobile business, and it makes sense that they want to make some cohesive media store.

    Likewise, Apple is trying to grow its online/cloud services (Google's strength)! Funny, they are kind of moving towards each other in that sense...

    What does a music store have anything to do with a mobile business.
    No one before Apple had a music store that goes along with a mobile business.

    It makes sense now because Apple did it.

    Apr 8, 05:28 PM
    This is funny. Welp, glad I don't buy stuff at Best Buy.

    It's my 'try before I buy store', as we don't have an Apple Store in our city.

    Jan 12, 12:02 AM
    On one hand, I see what you're saying, and I agree that Steve might have been a little smug. But in a sense I think he earned that smugness. He and all the Apple employees who finally finished the iPhone project.

    This was a great keynote, and really shows that Apple is branching out, trying to reach users in new ways. It is obvious to me that both the iPhone and the Apple TV are both geared to lure people from the Windows camp over to Mac OS X. Sure, both work with a PC, but only to a point. The iPhone and the Apple TV will work more seamlessly and smoothly with a Mac in the mix. It is for these reasons that I think this keynote was one of the most important in the last five years.

    Also, realize that Apple can always very easily announce iLife or iWork 07 anytime they want, as well as hold a special event for a new widescreen iPod or whatever. I think it is very likely that we will see a iLife and iWork update very soon, before January is up. Apple doesn't want to keep a year old product on their store's front page for too long after the new year begins.

    Mad Mac Maniac
    Apr 28, 07:04 AM
    I agree that there should be something to come from the votes...However I can't agree that the current system provokes short quick responses. No matter how many posts you have you can't view Marketplace until you have been here 6 months. I rarely post here, but I have gone way over the minimum number of posts, and I still have another month to wait.

    Rarely? I wouldn't consider over5 posts a day rare

    Nov 22, 03:46 AM
    the current 17" C2D iMac is 6.8 inches thick

    The Apple site quotes that as the 'depth' of the iMac (presumably the space needed to situate it on a desk, including the depth of the stand. I seem to remember the actual iMac 'screen' itself being around 2 inches thick when they introduced the G5 version. Have a look at the C2D iMac in a shop - it's certainly not 6.8" thick.

    Back OT - there's really no reason why Apple would look at AMD now. They have a good relationship with Intel, are getting the supply of chips that they need, and they've very much fallen into bed with the company for the lower-end machines (integrated graphics etc). At present they're doing well with one supplier where they had mixed success with dealing with two in the past (IBM and Freescale).

    Jan 11, 10:17 PM
    I still like Engadget better. And after this, It'll probably be only Engadget that I continue to read.

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