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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 27, 07:24 PM
    Calling someone "creeeeepy" because they do not fit into your preconceived notion of gender is kind of ****ed up no?

    Well, doh, yes.

    Why do you think 'he' is anonymous??

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  • mikeapple
    Mar 31, 10:43 AM
    *Sign* I'm a Mac OSX fanatic.. but I'm not comfortable with making my desktop look like a Giant iPad... I'm hoping there is going to be alot of "Classic View" options :(

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  • gnasher729
    Apr 29, 02:55 PM
    Apple pays 70% straight to the record companies, which would be $0.90. If Amazon pays the same, then they have $0.21 loss before they even start. Or Amazon gets different prices than Apple, which would need some explaining.

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  • LbSigman
    Apr 14, 03:09 PM
    My upload is better, but my download is the same.

    I've had instances in which my download was 650kbps and my upload has been 1200kbps. It's been all over the board, but I'm still happy with it. Did you just install the new update?


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  • ECUpirate44
    Apr 28, 04:19 PM
    If this requires case manufacturers to make a case specifically for the white iPhone on both carriers, I wouldn't be surprised if they just said screw it, were not making one. Apple released the white iPhone because they said they would, I don't think enough will be sold where it makes sense for case makers.

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  • Xibalba
    Oct 4, 09:15 PM
    And then these femtocells. If they (the provider) can't give you access you're paying for, is it really fair that they charge you on top of what you're already paying, to sell you a device that is supposed to boost the service you're already paying for?

    no, it's not fair - esp if other providers have good coverage in that same area. it's like you are triple paying - femtocell, wireless phone, and internet - just to get wireless phone which you were already paying for.

    however for me, no cell provider has decent coverage in our home based on terrain/location so i will absolutely pay extra to get better cell coverage in our house - although it really hasn't been too hard to use the vonage line instead of the cell when we are home...but I would love to be able to get cell service for texting especially while in my basement theater/pub area.

    and, yes i have already installed a cell booster in the attic without significant success.


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  • Kwill
    Apr 26, 05:49 PM
    Yeah while Apple realizes people want their mobile smartphone to be small and portable as that is a key part of the puzzle the rest of the industry is trying to duplicate this:

    Image (

    with a touch screen.

    I hear those big phones cause cancer.

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 22, 05:02 PM
    And by "copied Palm" of course you mean "patented themselves back before Feb. 2010."


    Let them troll. Apple news has been too good the past few years. Too many amazing products.

    At least let them have *something*, even if it's completely inaccurate. :D


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  • Eidorian
    May 3, 08:09 AM
    For perhaps a month before the Mac Pros are released at WWDC.Keep waiting...

    Intel is taking its time with the Xeons and Sandy Bridge-E.

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  • fyrefly
    Apr 20, 01:32 AM
    We now have some actual game results now and it seems even worse than the 50% drop seen in the original review.

    Instead of 50% of the performance of the 320M, we now have:
    26% at a lower resolution in Wow
    34% for Lost planet

    Those numbers seem to suggest the ULV SAndy Bridge has even worse graphics performance than the previous generation Nvidia 9400M

    Gaming performance. Not graphics performance. Don't confuse the two.

    Engadget's review said the Intel IGP made short work of 1080p HD clips, so regarding pushing pixels (that aren't games) the HD 3000 seems on par at doing that as the 320m.

    Also, I'd venture to day the HD 3000 graphics drivers are more advanced in OSX than they are in Windows.

    The same mysterious drop in Gaming performance was seen in Windows vs. OSX in the Anandtech review of the 13" 2011 MBP (

    "Under OS X, the new HD Graphics 3000 GPU is actually about the same performance or even faster than the 2010 13-inch's GeForce 320M. Remember that Apple does a lot of its own driver writing under OS X and the SNB GPU received some TLC from Apple in the form of very well optimized drivers."

    And yes, I know the MBP uses a fully clocked IGP and the MBA probably won't.

    But if even a fully clocked IGP sucks in Windows and works almost on par with the 320m in OSX, then I'd like to at least see the LV HD3000 benchmarks in OSX before making a final judgement.

    it is only 29min. Not sure where you get almost 1 hour from. And it was measured in Windows, so I think this is the most comparable number. Mac OS is known to be better at using less power than Windows. From this, I'd say there would be a marginal increase in battery life by switching to Sandy Bridge - nothing major.

    Hah. My bad. I was adding like adding, and not like time adding.

    I'd take even a marginal increase in battery life, though, who wouldn't?

    And I'd also venture to say that Apple's doing better at battery life than most other manufacturers. The 13" 2011 MBP added 10W to it's TDP and (like you say below) Sandy Bridge seems like it's sneaky with it's turbo boosting - and still the 2011 MBP gets better battery life than it's C2D+320m sibling from last year.

    TDP is not the whole story .. for example the 2011 i7 2.3Ghz Sandy Bridge Quad Core is supposed to have a TDP of 45W, which is 10W more than the i7
    2.66Ghz 2010 model. However, Anandtech measured the 2011 machine using almost 40W more running a CPU intensive task. Something is very weird about the Sandy Bridge TDP numbers.

    Hmm, interesting, I hadn't seen that comparison yet (

    The GPU must come into play in both those test, however... so 45W + 25W = 70W out of the 93W used are accounted for in TDP.

    And the 13" MBP pulls 48W instead of it's 35W TDP. It's interesting.

    I wish we had seen comparable numbers for the current MBA. Does it pull more than advertised under load? How much? If not, why not? Is turbo boost to blame?

    My point was based purely on TDP and not high-end scenarios, the battery life should be longer. Wireless web surfing is how Apple measures it now - and I couldn't see the SL9400/9600+320m combo posting better battery numbers in a wireless web test than the i5/HD3000 combo? That leads me to say unless one was doing high-end Rendering with their MBA - the general web-surfing, itunes playing, facebook-checking Mac user will not see anymore than the ~20W TDP come into play, giving that user longer battery life, no?


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  • sushi
    Jul 15, 08:39 AM
    Don't know how true this is, but if correct demonstrates MS determination to take losses to dominate the market. From Engadget,

    But it gets better. To attract current iPod users Microsoft is going to let you download for free any songs you've already bought from the iTunes Music Store. They'll actually scan iTunes for purchased tracks and then automatically add those to your account. Microsoft will still have to pay the rights-holders for the songs, but they believe it'll be worth it to acquire converts to their new player.
    If this is true, it will allow those considering a switch to be a no brainer.

    Good marketing for Microsoft.

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  • iBlue
    Jan 12, 09:58 AM
    Good post, Clix Pix.

    I think it's really sad that she thinks her only worthwhile legacy is to be the heaviest woman in the world. I can't believe anyone would want to aspire to that.

    Oh and I do have a hard time believing that she ate as much as that article claims, at least in one sitting. Her stomach would surely burst! :eek:

    I don't have a dog in this fight, but the question that runs through my mind is: if it's so easy, why do people struggle with it? Why are there entire industries built around people that struggle with losing weight on their own?

    It's easy in terms of the physics behind it. Consume less than you burn, you lose weight. However, there's something psychological behind the urge to eat. In some cases it would be like telling an alcoholic that it's easy, just stop drinking. There are also some studies and theories which have pointed out that some people don't get the necessary signals to indicate that they are full. So it's simple but it's not. (if you know what I mean.)


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  • firestarter
    Apr 17, 08:31 PM
    Idk why people say that the update affects only gamers. It affects almost everyone. OpenGLs, 3D, movies, etc.

    I get you... it's not just about games!

    When we say "enough" and "runs fine" we are thinking of apps that require minimal standards. Man, when we are talking about at least quality games such as WoW, SC2, and MMO's, the difference between 320m and the Intel GPU is the difference between "playable and not playable"

    ...except all your examples ARE games!

    Like millions of other Mac owners, I don't play any games on my Mac and haven't for years. With iOS devices and consoles being so much cheaper, it just doesn't make any sense to me to pimp-up my Mac for gaming.

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  • pellets007
    Jun 6, 09:32 AM
    Should have let the charge stand IMO, they agreed to the terms and conditons:rolleyes:
    If it had happened to you, I am sure that you would be singing a different tune.


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  • Teddy's
    Aug 15, 01:31 PM
    Still... meh.
    oh... come on! :mad:

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  • CJace
    Apr 27, 05:12 AM
    That is a dude not a girl.

    Hard to believe everybody just stood around and let those girls assault him like that. As far as the seizure....that looks fake as all get out. I have seen a person have a seizure and it was no way near that violent.

    If a fake seizure is what it takes to get those ****ing animals to stop attacking you, then so be it.


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  • dwd3885
    Apr 29, 03:26 PM
    With all the improvements made to Amazon MP3 lately, there really is NO reason to buy music from the iTunes store anymore. None.

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  • Parkin Pig
    Apr 3, 04:37 AM
    Crimple Viaduct, Harrogate

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  • aristotle
    Oct 2, 10:45 AM
    If you want to lay the blame at anyones feet, it should be Apple. They should have made a CDMA version and split the load between the networks.
    I can just imagine the lawsuits from clueless american consumers complaining that their iPhone from verizon does not work in Europe like their friends AT&T iPhone.
    CDMA is a dying technology. That is why verizon is switching to LTE (4G GSM).

    The blame does not lay with Apple. The blame rests solely on the entire wireless industry who have been claiming "unlimited" data on phones that were too crippled by a lack of features or crappy software like browsers for people to even bother trying to use a lot of data bandwidth. The iPhone changed all of that and AT&T should have offered capped plans but then a bunch of american consumers with a sense of entitlement would have complained that Verizon were offering unlimited data on their crappy phones.

    The iPhone was such a major game changer in how people use wireless data that no carrier in the US would have been prepared for the load. In Europe, where the Nokia smart phones are more popular, there was higher data usage long before the iPhone came to the scene. In North America, most phones offered texting and WAP internet access. Smartphone usage was much lower in our region compared with Europe.

    Apr 23, 07:10 PM
    and the crew member who made the video is no longer employed by this organization.

    Shoot the messenger.

    What of the laughing staff??

    Michael Scrip
    May 4, 04:08 AM
    I don't think Apple can continuously afford to do that though. Everyone can see that Android is making a stand and a strong one at that. Improving market share more than others still while some are even declining.

    Let's be clear... "Android" is an OS from Google that you can find on dozens of phones from many manufacturers.

    Apple knows they can't compete with that. And they're not. Marketshare is not a goal. For instance... Android has more marketshare... now what?

    It's Mac vs Windows all over again. Windows is crushing Macs 10 to 1. Dell and HP have sales that dwarf the Mac. But is Apple really in trouble with the Mac?

    Apple sells phones... and quite a lot of them. 18 million iPhones last quarter... and 16 million in the previous quarter. Any other manufacturer would kill for those numbers.

    If iPhone sales drop to ZERO... then we can talk about Apple rethinking their strategy. Until then... Apple will continue to sell hundreds of thousands of phones every day... further positioning themselves away from bankruptcy.

    Apr 25, 04:23 PM
    Think iPad 2 with the "L" shape stand as the new iMac. Ditch the Optical Drive, not needed anymore considering its takes up space and is hardly ever used by the majority. :)

    I may not be in the majority, but I use mine a great deal.

    Aug 15, 01:44 PM
    I'm still waiting for a 3-D way of exploring the finder.

    Something similar to the movie Hackers

    Core Animation, just one more step in that direction

    Apr 28, 09:39 AM (

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