arnold schwarzenegger now 2011

arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • MrChurchyard
    Apr 14, 04:20 AM
    It wouldn't be too difficult for Apple to provide something like Rosetta for iDevice apps. It sounds extremely un-apple though. The only reason Apple provided Rosetta was to ease the PowerPC-Intel transition. I don't think there is any real benefit here because many iDevice apps would not translate well to a mouse and keyboard. It's possible that new iOS apps would have a "mac mode" that would solve this, so who knows.

    What's the need? You could simply compile for x86/x64 and make it universal. XCode already provides an iPhone/iPad simulator to test apps on the Mac.

    Whether that would be desirable in any form or way is a different question, and I agree that the UI of iOS apps doesn't work all that well with the keyboard+mouse paradigm.

    What would be easy to accomplish would be making universal apps that combine the iPhone, iPad and Mac version in one app bundle. Say, download "OmniFocus Universal", which starts the Mac version on the Mac, the iPad version on iPad, the iPhone version on iPhone/iPod touch. Would only make sense when combining Mac App Store and iOS App Store someway while keeping the syncing of the iOS devices in iTunes.

    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • Legion93
    May 1, 11:13 PM
    The only sad part is that it took the US this long to find him. Osama should of been dead 10 years ago.

    the sad part is that the US in most terms failed to capture him since it took over ten years. It's like entering a race and losing 99 out of 100 races and then suddenly winning the last race and obtaining victory, when in doubt, clearly was not enough.

    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • Waybo
    Apr 9, 10:59 PM

    Tortuga Rum Cake, made with Tortuga Rum is not to be missed in Cayman Islands!

    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 22, 01:23 AM
    Corporations are evil.

    Apple is evil, so is samsung. Why anyone would have an emotional yearning for one company above another is beyond me, both companies would gladly take all your money for nothing if you let them.

    Let them duke is out, neither is right.

    There you go, making sense. That isn't tolerated around here. :D


    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • clibinarius
    Apr 28, 12:59 PM
    So the iPhone went from being pummeled by Android to now just being badly beaten.

    That is Awesome.

    iOS for phones was being pummeled by Android. iPhone is kicking the heck out of every phone on the market individually.

    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • ArchaicRevival
    Apr 14, 04:57 AM
    I'll see it when I believe it. :rolleyes:


    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • louis Fashion
    Apr 22, 05:20 PM
    I don't see them enlarging the screen by a mere .2" it seems illogical to me. Plus the mock up really sucks lol surely Apple would come up with something much more appealing then this. My money is on the iPhone 5 to be nearly identical to the iPhone 4 except with better insides :)

    AGREE! This may be iPhone 6 or 7. Like other posts (above) I wonder how this would feel in the hand?

    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • vartanarsen
    Apr 13, 10:51 PM
    this is soooooo 2010.

    Agreed....big time meh


    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • Small White Car
    Apr 26, 12:29 PM
    I'm sure some of that is going to the music companies.

    Take heart, though. This might not be bad news. What if we learn that this is a part of MobileMe and it's MobileMe that's changing to $20 per year?

    Impossible? I dunno, I think charing $99 per year to sync iPhone data wirelessly is impossible for Apple to maintain. This may be their chance to gracefully deflate that balloon.

    Is anyone on here going to delete all the music on their iPhone to be able to pay $20 per year to regain a subpar stream of there very own music? And at a detriment to their limited data amount? Am I missing something??

    Again, this may be wishful thinking, but I can imagine Apple strong-arming carriers into exempting this service from their data-cap-measuring systems. Apple sure would like that. Do they have the power to make it happen, though? Maybe.

    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • Wyro
    Apr 14, 11:12 PM (


    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • Philter
    Jan 30, 09:34 PM
    Apple stock is tanking because Apple stopped making tools (which people need) and started making fashion objects (which are the first to go in a recession.)

    Maybe if Apple would make some real computers at fair prices... instead of these toys...

    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • mscriv
    Mar 4, 09:44 PM
    They undoubtedly exist, as they're based on biochemical pathways. You can't necessarily change that, at least easily. I don't think that's the point hes trying to make, however, as he does have a point in the willpower effect-- it's basically the same as the placebo effect; your belief in something can have a positive chemical effect upon your bodies pathways. In the case of drug users, this can be seen in the "bottoming out" effect-- the addiction pathway doesn't suddenly flip, in fact in almost all cases it always remains permanently on, rather it's the person and their willpower who decides that they've had enough.

    The human mind is an amazing thing, especially in its ability to either alter or deal with modified pathways caused by external stress factors.

    Yes, willpower, self control, discipline, and choice do play a major role in the recovery process, but they are not all that is required and it is certainly not an easy or quick process. To say AA or 12 step programs are a "joke" doesn't leave much room for interpretation and is quite different than what you have stated. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I'd respectfully disagree based on my profession and experience.

    I completely understand people having a hard time with those that use alcohol or drugs as an excuse for things in life, but I'm talking about genuine addiction, not just immaturity. It's much more than "biochemical pathways" and the habitual firing of familiar neurons. The aspects of psychological dependence that affect spirit, identity, and will can be debilitating and are often the most difficult things to change.


    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • jessica.
    Dec 29, 11:18 AM
    Christ, may be old news but new to me. I like to eat but after a plate (a standard sized plate) of Turkey dinner I was stuffed. She is definitely a sick woman. I was just thinking about lunch, not so much any more.

    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • olimits7
    Sep 30, 04:46 PM
    Thanks for the replies...

    Ok, so AT&T definitely drops calls; that's a given it seems...but for current customers is the dropped calls enough of a pain to leave AT&T/iPhone and go to another carrier??

    Thank you,



    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • Tysonfausett
    Nov 22, 07:48 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Iphone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    How good is the flash player is it even worth it? I heard it doesn't covert a lot of flash websites.

    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • svenn
    Mar 3, 04:22 PM
    He is living his life. I agree with a lot of his "quotes". AA is crap, people are trolling him and he may just be a rockstar from Mars (Lil Wayne is an alien after all). He seems to love his kids and his women do too. What's worse? Someone with an alternative lifestyle that takes care of their kids or someone with a "great lifestyle" that beats them on the side. They look healthy to me.

    People are pissed because he stood up and talked out about Chuck and many people (union members, yuck) are out of jobs for now. If they were still getting paid they wouldn't be whining. Also it shows how powerful he is if a whole production is shut down without him. Should he go on for others? I don't think so. He doesn't agree with it and won't do it.

    I say go epic on the world Mr. Sheen.

    +1 If you actually listen to what he says, he makes some pretty good points. I think a lot of people don't listen and just read the headlines, so they assume he is a terrible person. He may not be the best example for kids, but he is doing what he wants with his life because it is... his life, and he seems to be making some pretty strong arguments.
    Rock on


    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • Tones2
    Apr 22, 10:01 AM
    Give us a 4.3" screen so the phone would have to be somewhat bigger - big enough to support two chips for 3G and 4G.


    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • bedifferent
    Apr 11, 02:38 PM
    Unlikely. USB still retains advantages in ubiquity, cost and far more devices supported per connection (128 vs 16). I would see WiFi and Bluetooth as bigger USB competitors.

    Forgive my ignorance, but wasn't "Light Peak" supposed to be implemented via fiber optics for internal implementation? I always gathered from the last three years of research that "Light Peak" would become a universal system controller, replacing the need for multiple controllers such as FireWire, USB, etc as it would control components from internal devices such as HDD's to external devices such as iDevices, displays and HDD's. This would allow for less parts, faster speeds (although current HDD's may not benefit due to speed limitations, unlike SSD's) and smaller/lighter forms for portables.

    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • mousemd
    Apr 6, 12:33 PM

    Apr 28, 03:57 PM
    That actually isn't surprising. I've noticed that all of the aftermarket "OEM" white based replacement backplates (any using the white housing for colored glass...yellow, all the whites, green) are always just slightly thicker and can prevent tighter fitting cases from going on the phone. I always just chalked it up to aftermarket parts not being as exact as genuine Apple parts, but now it seems like it's actually a legitimate difference.

    Apr 12, 10:08 AM
    Hmmm. I was fully convinced that dethmaShine was being totally sarcastic with his posts. Seemed obvious to me.

    But I see that 5 other posters don't think so. Those are some pretty big odds...5/ I really right?

    Yeah, I still think I am. :p

    Edit: 7 now!

    Well he did have the spec whore thing down and was a pretty convincing Android Fanboy as well.

    Apr 12, 08:14 AM
    As a typical consumer, same as a prosumer, or pro -- speed. For example, backing up your iDevice, importing big megapixel photos and HD videos will be a whole lot quicker.

    It will also make connections easier as TB can handled video, audio, and data in the same cable.

    It's amazing how people who hang out at a site dedicated to Apple don't really know anything about Apple R&D. This is so old news. But here for your edification:

    Take hard note of the sentence: "Developed by Intel (under the code name Light Peak), and brought to market with technical collaboration from Apple."
    Bolding mine... As a point of contention. Especially since iDevices don't even saturate the USB bus. I doubt Apple will spend more money to use faster Flash storage. Especially when (as of right now) Windows PCs don't have ThunderBolt.

    Apr 23, 11:06 PM
    I don't believe it

    Dr. Echsel
    May 3, 08:08 AM
    Just bought mine :cool: I can't wait to get it!

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