pictures of will smith house

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  • daio
    Apr 14, 03:30 AM
    Once you get over the delusion of Macs running iOS apps, the Apple TV 2 makes the most sense.

    So why does iBooks also have this code name? iBooks would be lousy on AppleTV. Also "Find my iPhone", "Remote" and "Atari's Greatest Hits" also have it.

    One more thing, it is impossible for me to write reviews on the App Store at the moment, it simply scrolls to the top and doesnt show the Review form. Perhaps they are reworking the App Store???

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  • jameshopkins
    Aug 15, 10:12 AM
    Whats happening with iChat, are they getting it to work with MSN Messenger networks like with AOL?

    I have just switched to Mac, and it's annoying I cant Video Conference with any MSN Messenger users (MSN Messenger on Mac doesnt support it). iChat is awesome but I have no contacts, lol. Anyone know of any other way, I have tried AdiumX and looked into Jabber.

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  • dXTC
    Mar 9, 07:54 AM
    I love Maher, but most lame comedy ever? What about Me and the Chimp, It's About Time, Captain Nice, The Lucy Show, Family Matters, Webster, and Glenn Beck?

    What you did there. I see it. :D

    I would like to see them pull off a change of actor for once, without changing the character. I think it's an insult to the audience's intelligence that networks think we can't accept someone else in the role. They always go for the knee-jerk reaction, which is to kill off the character. Give us some credit, and a chance for another actor to make the role his own. It's not like it's unheard of. How many James Bonds have there been??

    On top of the replacements already mentioned, this is not uncommon with soap opera characters (one notable example is on Days Of Our Lives, with the character of Jack Deveraux).

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  • DrJohnnyN
    Apr 14, 06:18 AM
    Can't wait.


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  • TwoSocEmBoppers
    Mar 16, 12:20 AM
    Guys, I have been at Brea on Monday and i was in the line nd they said they dont have any iPads in that days shipment. Then i went there today and they said they handed out tickets. So out of desperation i am planning to go there at 6 am and wait in the line tomorrow at Brea. Does anyone knw how many tickets did they hand out today and will camping out before the store opens tomorrow in Brea bring me any luck?

    Hi Avinash...I was there today at Brea and they handed out approximately 12-15 tickets. While I do not know numbers, the AT&T models were in less quantity than the Verizon and Wifi.

    Seeing as I did not get the version I wanted, I will also be joining you at Brea around 6:00AM! 32GB Black Wifi here I come!!!!! :D

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  • firewood
    Apr 18, 12:29 AM
    So for .17 GHz upgrade we are sacrificing around 30% graphic power?

    The i5 can retire more instructions per clock cycle, and so could actually run real software faster at even a lower GHz clock speed than a C2D.


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  • siurpeeman
    Mar 11, 08:06 PM
    got back from best buy fullerton about half an hour ago. was 13th or so in line. came home with white 64 verizon ipad. one of the less popular models, i'm sure, but it's a relief to be home and not still standing in line at brea.

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  • Gem�tlichkeit
    Apr 15, 01:34 PM
    Can't wait to see the goodies


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  • NathanMuir
    Apr 25, 04:45 PM
    Eldiablojoe, just because.

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  • kevin.rivers
    Jul 28, 09:07 AM
    Here is my take on this.

    Apple has this market wrapped up. People don't know what an MP3 player is, they know what an iPod is.

    Those who love the Zune are hypocrites. Everyone hates the iPod. Why? Inferior everything. Plus you are locked into the iPod/iTunes/iTMS and can't do what you want with your music.

    Now, MS is doing the same thing. And everyone praises it. They are pulling the same add campaign as Sandisk was. Conforming isn't cool, don't be a sheep. If everyone starts buying a Zune aren't you still a sheep if you buy it? Not to mention they are dumping PlaysForSure, the DRM they helped build, and screwing tons of people who have bought PFS music already. Not to mention screwing their partners.

    The fact that the will buy you out of iTunes shows what kind of game they are playing. They don't care about consumers, all they care about is winning. All I can say is they are 5 years late to the ball game. Good luck.

    Also, it is slated that the big Zune will be $399, with a nice feature set including bluetooth, wifi, 30GB, big screen, etc.

    Apple will release new ipods. If they will replace the current iPods or be a new product I am not sure. But we expect them to be the true video iPod. In which case it will have more capacity and the same feature set if not more for the same price. With the brand recognition it has already they will surely win.


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  • localoid
    Apr 14, 02:46 AM
    "iX" = "Ix", which is the nickname for the character Ford Prefect in the book "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".

    Obviously, the new Apple device is either a digital watch or a towel.

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  • louis Fashion
    Apr 26, 03:04 PM
    I'm sure Apple will be heartbroken that you won't be gobbling resources without paying.

    If it's worth anything, it's worth $20/year.

    I can gobble music on my iPod/iPad/iMacs all day long, thank you, as of today all my music files were present. AND if you need cloud service you are welcome to it. (without any bitching on my part)


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  • emwgradstudent
    Apr 23, 06:53 PM
    Wouldn't it be nice for you guys if iPhone 5 came out on every carrier?

    YES! I would love a iPhone on Sprint's everything plan. I know several people with Sprint smart phones and the service they provide is great for only $70! Choice is a good thing for the customer and if the iPhone 5 does have a global chipset, then wider availability would be the best way to go.

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  • tekjunke
    Jan 30, 06:59 PM
    Tickets, to see:

    All I can say is wow, just wow. No wonder it has a 48% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

    My sentiments exactly! if it weren't for laughing at the ridiculously impossible stunts... I would have fallen asleep


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  • djrod
    Apr 24, 05:38 AM
    Apparently it has an A5 chip in it.

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  • fisty
    Nov 3, 09:07 PM
    Elegant post but sheesh!

    Yeah it already is.

    indeed it has :D

    just created iso image from the xp sp2 cd i have lieing around.. never seen xp installing so fast lol

    tho still a bit bumpy as its a private **** its bumpy lol


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  • lulla01
    Nov 3, 07:27 PM
    Why the hell not ?! :)

    you have great taste my friend, id love one of these myself.

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  • wordoflife
    Apr 14, 01:00 AM
    I originally waited for the white version (back when it was only delayed until "late summer".) but once September rolled around, I just decided to wait until the 5 came out. With the rumors of the 5 being delayed until fall, I might have to seriously consider some backup plans. I'd prefer to stick with an iPhone, but the 3GS is getting long in the tooth and I will not sign a contract for outdated hardware.

    It's not really outdated in the sense that it is still the best and latest iPhone out there. But I know what you are getting at.

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  • iMeowbot
    Jul 25, 12:09 PM
    Anyone considered how this (technically) will work? How will the iPod detect where your hands are?

    This seems to be a refinement of what the iPod and touch pads have been doing all along. Right now those can detect your finger through an insulated plastic layer, and even through clothes on top of that.

    The main difference here would seem to be in smarter software that can do something useful with smaller changes in the electrical fields.

    Sep 30, 03:35 AM
    Manhattan has some crappy, crappy AT&T service. It's not even "coverage" that's the issue. 5 bars of 3G (whether I'm using a BlackBerry or iPhone)-- it just doesn't want to work. The iPhone needs some sort of compression or else it'll just bring the entire network down.

    May 4, 12:17 AM
    so why would his subsidized date be pushed back? why should it matter if iPhone isn't being released? maybe they want a Matrix or something else. that made no sense to me

    Apr 25, 04:23 PM
    Think iPad 2 with the "L" shape stand as the new iMac. Ditch the Optical Drive, not needed anymore considering its takes up space and is hardly ever used by the majority. :)

    I may not be in the majority, but I use mine a great deal.

    Apr 15, 03:44 PM
    I like the new iCal :o

    Apr 13, 11:49 PM
    They'll buy the panel from Samsung, charge double the price of everything else on the market and the sheep will be lined up for days to buy one. It will be a huge hit and Sony and Samsung will go out of business.
    Out of the 5 predictions above, only #1 and #4 have any chance of happening, and even that chance is slim to none.

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