love poems poetry

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  • Trishul
    Nov 1, 07:16 AM
    How about this one? :D

    got my sister to do a real world test of prady16's iPod Shuffle hair clip theory, she says it could actually work as a hair clip/mp3 player :D

    Btw, she's already stolen it from me, and is trying it on with various clothing options.

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  • love poems poetry.

  • Mr. Chewbacca
    Mar 23, 09:53 AM
    That's so he can look through it!

    Seriously, that's worth mentioning?

    I was wondering if it was a functioning implant designed to restore sight or a non-functioning cosmetic replacement for a lost eye. I did a quick look and it seems the functioning kind are pretty rare so prob not.

    I am impressed that someone with limited sight and/or no depth perception would be so good at designing things.

    Scientific research is a pretty awesome goal, I hope he enjoys it.

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  • Famous love poems and quotes,

  • MattG
    Jan 4, 09:16 AM
    Address Book syncing now works!!! I'm happy. 7.0.2 definitely is a lot nicer looking. Will have to play around with it some more today.

    And Sametime!! They added Sametime!

    I never thought I would say this, but thanks finally made the Mac version of Notes livable. I'm as excited as I could be about something Notes related :)

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  • love poems pic

  • jrko
    Mar 27, 01:21 PM
    Would you recommend any of the cleaning compounds to remove the old thermal paste or can I just give it a scrub?

    Several suppliers sell a kit of arctic silver 5 & cleaner like this one



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  • love you poems quotes. Poetry

  • Lacero
    Feb 14, 02:56 AM
    Everybody! Feel free to spam in this thread!!! It won't get wastelanded. :)

    However, since I like these great new moderators so much, I would never, ever cause them any trouble. :D

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  • Poetry of Love. Pages: 1 · 2

  • wings400
    Aug 15, 04:16 PM
    Mine (MBP 13')

    OMG, mine look almost the same :D


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  • Funny Love Poems.

  • GGJstudios
    Nov 18, 09:07 AM
    Nope. It's all or nothing.

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  • Love poems? So do we!

  • someone28624
    May 2, 09:29 PM
    Thanks to all who donate! As a bone marrow transplant nurse, I can tell you first hand that this truly does save lives. Perhaps I'll go donate tomorrow. I'm usually turned away due to my hematocrit or my foreign travel.


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  • Live 80 x27s love poems

  • Eric Lewis
    Jan 13, 12:23 PM

    Is so amazing

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  • bobbytomorow
    Aug 2, 01:05 AM
    click for larger (


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  • BoyBach
    Oct 21, 10:39 AM
    Thanks for the chuckle, Chundle!

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  • WigWag Workshop
    Apr 9, 03:09 PM
    There are 2 versions: the console version and the arcade machine version.
    The console one is terrible.

    I can tell you that the Arcade version is spot on! Did not try the 2600 version. Hopefully Intellivision releases something similar, so I can play B-17 Bomber and Advanced D&D


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  • Famous Love Poems and Poetry

  • Hilmi Hamidi
    Feb 2, 09:32 AM
    Is that iTunes up in the menu bar? If so, how?? :)

    I use TunesArt ( It's an iTunes plugin that lets you know what song is currently playing and can fetch up lyrics automatically. It can do a lot more too.

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  • popular love poem / poetry

  • redeye be
    Mar 11, 02:46 PM
    synergy (
    Synergy lets you easily share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple computers with different operating systems, each with its own display, without special hardware. It's intended for users with multiple computers on their desk since each system uses its own monitor(s).
    thx to markoibook for directing my attention to it in this ( thread.


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  • hardcover love poems poetry

  • OpenLaszlo
    Sep 2, 01:13 AM (

    Likin' the new iTunes logo!

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  • love poems urdu. sad love

  • iPhobic
    Apr 4, 10:26 AM
    You see? This is the problem when there's no competition. Pretty soon we'll have three main carriers (ATT, Verizon and Sprint). One of them decides to increase prices, then the other will follow suit. I'll go with an iPod touch and a paid phone once my contract is up. Screw them all!


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  • Visit Poem, Poems amp; Poetry

  • DoNoHarm
    May 3, 03:52 AM
    What's in it for me? Seriously, the owner of Macrumors makes $100K plus off this site (so much that he quit his job AS A DOCTOR.) Why should I give blood just to glorify the name of his website & make him richer?

    What's in it for me?

    Soooo.... He should shut down this site and go back to being a doctor? Would THAT make you comfortable to donate blood? Does quitting his job make him ineligible to do further public health work?

    I'm having difficulty understanding your logic, unless.... You're jealous of him. That fits perfectly.

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  • love poems poetry. as. treblah

  • bigjohn
    Jul 30, 01:30 AM
    I've got a thought...

    You've probably already been slapped about this but I haven't read through all the posts...

    Dude... I'm assuming you're a Christian to be so up-in-arms about the holiday (but I don't think that's the right example, honestly) -- you need to also be more tolerant of other religious holidays at the same time such as Hananachaka (butchered that) and Kwanza as well as some others, I'd imagine.

    Kwanzaa has two a's in it. Before you go slapping on others for posts about meaningless things (the guy can't wait for christmas, so what), you might want to open a dictionary yourself and get a clue.


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  • Tamil Love Poems: poetry

  • aiqw9182
    Mar 23, 10:03 AM
    A glass eye with a rose color lens... :rolleyes:

    Ocular prosthesis/glass eye/artificial eye

    They all have the same meaning.

    Nov 19, 12:24 PM
    Someone call the WAAAAA-Ambulance.....

    The emailer is most likely an early adopter who feels cheated...

    So is this guy going to write to Steve Jobs every time he finds an iPad on eBay for $100 less than retail? How about 1� auctions?

    If TJ Maxx got their hands on enough stock who the F cares and go pick one up if you want one! I'm personally waiting for Gen 2 with FaceTime.

    mad jew
    Oct 21, 07:06 AM
    I know some birds who might be interested (

    Apr 5, 06:46 PM
    Old cydia app DisplayOut gets the job done also.

    May 5, 03:31 PM
    The preference is 'Pinch Open & Closed'. Disable that in Trackpad preferences and you're good to go.

    Apr 7, 09:04 AM
    I got a weird bug. Sometimes my albums in the photos app go right to the top of the screen and show underneath the 'menubar' at the top so I can tap on it and open the first album in the list. If I pull it back down on the rubberband effect it still goes to the top of the screen?! I have to restart my phone for it to reset and its still hit and miss whether it works.

    I do too

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