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  • rockosmodurnlif
    Mar 26, 08:28 AM
    iOS improved so quick compared to other OS
    There was so much missing it was easy to add stuff. And to add to the noise in this thread, yes, the notifications system needs to be improved. Right now, it's all or nothing, it needs to be a la carte.

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  • If you find smoky eye makeup

  • Annon
    May 2, 03:42 PM
    Any ideas? I'm dying to stream this to my Apple TV.

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  • Purple Smokey Eye Requested By

  • berkut
    Nov 13, 07:13 AM
    You don't need to know a year ahead of Apple's product launch dates to run your business. There are lots of professionals using 5 year old software to get their millions of dollars of worth work done. I like software upgrades as much as the next guy, but just because it's cool to install new stuff, not that I'll be able to do much more than I can do right now with the new software.

    Yes you do if you're a big VFX house.

    That's one of the reasons The Foundry (developer of Nuke, Mari, Storm) are so respected in the industry - they listen to what the customers want, go and visit them, and disclose the roadmap a year or so in advance, saying what will be in the next versions and pretty much exactly when they'll be released.

    A lot of the new 3D stuff can't be done easily in FCP because it doesn't support stereoscopic playback (there are some plugins which help, but they're not that great), so it's rapidly showing its age. Same goes for RED file support.

    3D stereoscopic playback is one of the reasons Shake is now showing its limits compared to Nuke. It's still very usable for the basics, but for new stuff, it's falling behind.

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  • and smoky purple shades to

  • jrko
    Apr 27, 12:17 AM
    IMHO it's hard to believe that burnt GPU could be in working order, but I wish that I am wrong :)

    yeah i agree. i'm not going to go any farther. i'll return the card and try again


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  • rezenclowd3
    Apr 19, 10:06 PM
    I really shouldn't care about the design of cars that will most likely never become a collectable such as the Civic or modern Malibu....

    Oh and you do get wow out of some family sedans, like the BMW 5 series, especially the M5, or some of the Mercs. However, not in the price range of the Malibu..

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  • Smoky eyes are everywhere for

  • dejo
    Apr 22, 09:06 AM
    My menus are all the simple text ones...
    Please elaborate. What UI classes are you using for your current menus?


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  • Smokey Eyes and Pink Lips Idea

  • mbl42
    Dec 4, 09:33 PM
    I have one, not sure if I want to sell though. Make me an offer via PM or email.

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  • Portman a smoky eye with

  • lPHONE
    Feb 20, 03:55 PM
    I has 4.


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  • zildjansg
    Sep 10, 11:53 PM
    on my alu Macbook
    on my mac mini

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  • A beautiful smokey bronzed eye

  • KindredMAC
    Sep 30, 10:33 AM
    We use Lotus Notes at my company also. This is great news. Notes has a couple small but still annoying bugs on the Mac.

    I was surprised to find out how many companies in our city use Notes. I had never heard of it before I started using it. I was used to Entourage and Outlook before that.


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  • blurredline
    Aug 19, 11:19 PM

    I figured it would be interesting to see what everyone is into reading lately. And your eBook collection in general might be interesting. Feel free to jump in and share!

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  • GGJstudios
    May 5, 06:11 PM
    Apple TV Buyer's Guide? (
    Apple TV in Buyer's Guide (


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  • jsw
    Feb 15, 08:57 AM
    Now, to go online and order four of those fancy massaging chair inserts....
    So, um, you're not getting any for the non-new Mods? Hmmm. Bold move. ;)

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  • Purple Smokey Eyes Using Sleek

  • SciFrog
    Jan 25, 01:29 PM
    Congrats to the team! Well more like encouragements :cool:
    We reached 400k PPD which isn't great in itself except that this is without twoodcc's help, so when he will come back, we should reach our highest average yet.

    Still we need more firepower. We still crunch at #65 average PPD, meaning we will be loosing ground again. Also the release of the new Sandbridge chips will hurt us. Non overclocked 4 cores single CPU can do 30k PPD with bigadv, or about what a 8 core 2.26Ghz Nehalem does. Seeing that Mac Pro won't get Sandbridge until 2012, this is going to be tough. Also NVidia releases the 560 ti for mid range with good performance for GPU Folding, which can't be done with Mac OS X...

    Ultimately, the Macs make less and less sense for Folding.


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  • EscobarFilms
    Mar 26, 12:33 AM
    good.. i think maps its outdated now..

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  • Glamorous Purple Smoky eye

  • timelessbeing
    May 1, 09:37 PM
    I found a perfect little free Java app. It's called Mix2Stix (
    It has a simple, easy to use interface and works on any platform (Windows, Linux, Mac...), with any storage device, and any file type. What more could you want?


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  • le sacre
    Nov 2, 03:53 PM
    i pre-ordered mine at the beginning of october, and got it this morning (engraving and all--wow, small engraving font!). very positive first impression.

    i can see why some people complain about the clip at first: you expect it to be like a binder clip. i think apple's design is actually fine. there's a decent amount of force when the clip is wide open, and then when it's almost closed there's less force, the majority of its fastening power being supplied by the overlapping "teeth." for its intended use--clipping to clothes--i think it's great. whether it will clip successfully to other materials i think depends on the thickness (thicker is better up to a quarter inch or so), pliability (so the teeth can catch some material), and whether there is a thicker edge to catch onto. works flawlessly clipped on a shirt collar, any pocket, a flap with a thick edge, belt loop, anything you can clip it onto pointing down, etc. not so great on pinches of fine fabric. of course there's barely any weight to jostle it off. i expect no problems.

    sound quality of course is fine. haven't bought an ipod since '03, so i was pleasantly surprised by the "old" headphones' cord adjuster (you can cinch it up so that the left/right cords are held together up to a point of your choosing--is that new?). i ordered one of those pairs of logitech bluetooth headphones that are super cheap on account of their fragility, and am very excited to try to rig up a cordless gym-going system.

    the little dock is quite nice. pleasantly weighty for such a tiny form factor, and has a bottom surface that really seems to grip my desk, which is great--reassures you that it won't blow away or tip over.

    i think once again apple's done a great job of providing more control and info than you would expect out of such a simple interface. my favorite example: hitting the "play/pause" button three times takes you to a random song (in shuffle mode), or to the first song in your list (in standard mode--very useful!) this is probably not new, but i didn't know about it before and like it a lot. you can also press and hold the play/pause button to toggle the hold mode (shutting off responsiveness of the buttons). and unplugging headphones automatically pauses playback.

    itunes 7.0.2 worked great to load it up (though being used to my 3rd gen ipod i miss the speed of firewire). now when i plug in the shuffle there are two tabs at the top of the content window--one for settings and one for content.

    so overall i love it. if forced, i could come up with 1.5 complaints. 1) the engraving is kind of hard to read--small, part of it just slightly fuzzy. .5) though i totally don't expect it to slip from wherever i clip it, i would probably feel more secure if the clip were a bit stronger.

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  • JasperJanssen
    Apr 7, 02:34 PM
    I get the same error when running TU 4.30.03 and 4.30.05, but *not* when running 4.30.04. Does anyone know what error 16 means?

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  • hiinhoc
    May 3, 12:17 AM
    hello, just a quick question. can i unlock my iphone 4 running ios 4.2.1 with 3.10.01 bb? thanks

    Jan 28, 05:47 PM
    Hi, I had a look through but can't find what I am after. I have just placed in over 900 books into my itunes. My challenge is that I like everything organised. I am trying to find the list of categories for books that have a nice category display picture and can not find this anywhere. For example, Science Fiction has a category cover and so does history and children's. Anyone that can help would be great.

    Jan 11, 03:21 AM
    I thought it was an amazing keynote, because I truly believe the iphone will in-fact be revolutionary! Look at the UIs on almost all of today's phones and they pretty much universally stink. This is going to cause the cell phone industry to take a long hard look at their own products and push harder.

    I think it's funny that many posts on these boards talk about the excellent value for the Mac Pro (decked out, costing > $4k!), but balk at a $600 phone. This after they've probably dropped $100 on thier existing phone, and $300 on their ipod. For an extra $200, wouldn't you like to have the sexiest phone on the planet. Furthermore, if you're me, your sick to death of carrying two damn devices around every day anyway.

    The other thing that amazes me is just how addicted we've become to the carrier-driven cell phone business model in the US. I live in China now, and I cannot tell you how many employees I have who make < $1k / month (and these are highly paid engineers here) that carry $500 cell phones. People in many other parts of the world are USED to buying cell phones for the "real" price - very very often $300 or $400 dollars.

    And for that, what do you get - a MAJOR shift in the balance of power between mfg's and carriers. The carriers are now begging and scratching for business. Consequently it is one of the LEAST complicated things you can do (in China) - get a cell phone. In 90 seconds, I can (anonymously) get a new number and a few hours of calling time for about $20. There is almost not a store I can walk into where it isn't possible to do this. Shove in the SIM card and I'm done.

    Jesus I wish the US was like that (wrt cell phone service). The hoops you have to jump through to get even pre-paid service in the US are truly ridiculous. If there is a major disappointment for me about this keynote, it's that it looks like the iphone will be carrier locked at least until '08, but we'll see. I was hoping Apple would sell the phones unlocked, and start the migration in the US away from carrier subsidies.

    Mar 19, 11:17 AM
    Is there any way I can use my Powerbook as a monitor for my PS2?

    I am looking for the cheapest option and already know about elgatos diversity or hybrid usb stick that does it! But that is almost �100! but if there is nothing else I will have to go with it!!!!!!


    Oct 25, 08:54 PM
    Come on already ... release the new webmail interface!

    Apr 27, 12:40 PM
    why are you bugging him about this crap All Things Digital?

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